UPDATED March 29, 2013

BY Henry Gold

IN Company

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UPDATED March 29, 2013

BY Henry Gold

IN Company

1 comment

How Come Tour d’Afrique Ltd. is Cycling the Six Continents?

We at Tour d’Afrique have been quietly launching a new project called 7 Epics – a global cycling challenge. Henry Gold, founder and idea guy behind the Tour d’Afrique event, DreamTours, and all our other tours and projects sheds some light on why us, and why now.

About 60,000 years ago due to some mutations or perhaps just due to some family feud,  Joe Caveman said to his wife:

“I can’t take it anymore. Every day I go hunting, bring fresh meat for your mother, but she has nothing good to say. I had enough, we are going”.

It is not an easy thing to explain to laymen (or cavemen), but to us it is obvious

Jane Caveman being a good wife and tired of her younger sister who spent too much time around husband Joe asked:

“Where to”?

“I don’t know, as far as we can go.”

And so they went.

As one generation followed another, the story tended to repeat itself. The mutations which today have been identified as a gene called the Adventure gene or DRD4 clearly took over and humanity spread over the whole planet.

One of the puzzling things for people who have never heard of our company (and for some who have) is what is a company called Tour d’Afrique Ltd. doing organizing the Orient Express, the North American Epic not to mention Doomsday Ride.

It is not an easy thing to explain to laymen (or cavemen), but to us it is obvious –  we all have the DRD4 variant gene and really can’t help ourselves.

Business gurus would of course tell us that we would make more money and run a more streamlined business if we focus on one continent and not spread ourselves across the globe. Let’s say on Africa only, but what are we suppose to do, have gene therapy?

1 Comment for "How Come Tour d’Afrique Ltd. is Cycling the Six Continents?"

Excellent job, wish you good luck

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