UPDATED September 12, 2017

BY Henry Gold

IN Company, South American Epic

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UPDATED September 12, 2017

BY Henry Gold

IN Company, South American Epic

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My partner in life Ruth lost her mother last week after a long illness. As is traditional in our neck of the woods, people come to spend a few minutes or hours with the mourner. Among the conversations I heard was a new English word, Acatalepsy – a state of being impossible to conceive or to understand.

The word of course spoke to me right away because when most people hear about what TDA does and its scope  (and I am sure those who have cycled one of TDA 7 Epics have had the same reactions) their audience all suffers from Acatalepsy. But the word also speaks to me because often as I cycle I have acatalepsy – I often see or think of things that initially are impossible to conceive or to understand.

Bolivian view

Of course, I am not the only one. I imagine each and every one that participates in one of our tours goes through these thoughts. Just take a look at one participant Guillaume Blanchet who joined the South America Epic tour in 2015 in La Paz, Bolivia. Being a very talented fellow he produced this wonderfully quirky video called – Unboliviable. Anyone watching this who has not done one of our tours, has yet to experience Acatalepsy and will have a difficult time understanding why we take on these wonderful journeys. But the video manages to answer this question well and ends with the most important message why we do these trips.

UNBOLIVIABLE from Guillaume Blanchet I Filmmaker on Vimeo.

As the man behind the video says the main attraction is ‘la liberte’. Remember the word? It was made famous a couple of centuries ago as in ‘liberte, egalite, fraternite’. This motto applies not only to the French revolution but also to our tours. We are free, equal, and we sure fraternize. There is no doubt that once you join one of our tours you become part of the family, a brotherhood of seekers, adventures, restless souls – in fact a brotherhood of ‘Acataleptics’ – one that is, to many, impossible to understand. But if you want to comprehend the concept, then you should consider joining one of our trips.

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