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Trans-Himalaya 2025

Trans-Himalaya 2025

Trans-Himalaya 2025

Cycle the roof of the world


Emily Currie

Tour Leader

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Emily Currie

Tour Leader
Srinagar to Kathmandu

South Africa

“‘Happiness is only real when shared’: I think this counts for a whole spectrum of experiences and emotions—pain, hardship, excitement, joy, for instance—and explains why sharing an adventure or journey with a group makes it so very real!”

Who would have thought that growing up on a farm and a career in rural healthcare would prepare me for a job like my job at TDA? I always had the desire to travel and even though I thought working here would be too good to actually come true when I sent in my job application, here I am, six tours and 28 countries later. I’ve learned more about the world and myself then I ever expected.

With so many incredible memories—and so much food shared, so many friends made along the way—it will take me years to process everything I’ve experienced courtesy of TDA. Highlights of my travels so far include finishing the North American Epic (NAE) in Mexico City on the Day of the Dead, cycling Central Asia’s Pamir Highway, Abdul’s pilaf in the parking lot, Colombia, pan con chicharron, Patagonia, a massive thunder storm in Zambia, Hami melon, Madagascar, Samarkand, walnut and honey spread on fresh bread and topped with whipped yak cream, eaten in a warm yurt… and the list goes on! It’s amazing to realize that everything I experience with TDA will have an impact on my life long after these adventures are over.

One adventure I don’t expect to have again is the one I had in Mexico, when we discovered Hurricane Patricia was heading right straight at us. Monitoring the storm’s progress through the night—from stage 4 to stage 5—seemed so unreal. By 5:00 a.m., CNN was calling Patricia the strongest hurricane ever measured on planet earth. A few hours later, we loaded all bikes, riders, kit and crew onto an extra van and bus … and took off, tails between our legs, because Patricia was shaping up to be a beast! By nightfall we were safe and sound in the heart of tequila country, and, as Patricia lost most of her fury at landfall, the party at our lodgings ramped up.

There are so many wonderful aspects to working with TDA but key amongst them are travelling with purpose, meeting people from all over—and the food!

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Yanez Novoa


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Yanez Novoa

Srinagar to Kathmandu

South Africa

Oh to be on the road again. I am still suffering from a bit of cabin fever from the last few years and am excited to join you all in Buenos Aires.

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Helen Gertig


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Helen Gertig

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

I'm a GP based in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland. Love an adventure by any self-propelled means. I have previously been medic for the (fabulous) Tour d'Afrique, Silk Route and Trans-Himalaya TDA expeditions. Looking forward to joining you all for this joyful two-wheeled scamper!!

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Nirmika A

Content Creator

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Nirmika A

Content Creator
Srinagar to Kathmandu


Haven't realized how time has passed since I became a part of the TDA fam. 6 years later and few trips down, still have lots to explore. Glad to be a part of JTTE - and eager to meet all you fantastic people!

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Shaik Baba

Bike Mechanic

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Shaik Baba

Bike Mechanic
Srinagar to Kathmandu


Baba is a maestro in the art of cycle maintenance. He has close to 20 years of experience in the industry along with 10 years of travelling the length and breath of the country on cycle trips and camps. India is a highly diversified country with many languages. With five spoken languages under his belt, Baba is an asset to have on the team. Baba is a very friendly team person and ever willing to help & contribute in all aspects.

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depi Chaudhry

Tour Leader Trainee

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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depi Chaudhry

Tour Leader Trainee
Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Peter Hodges


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Peter Hodges

Srinagar to Kathmandu

New Zealand

Kiwi who enjoys getting out and exploring. (tda veteran)

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Erwin Attenberger


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Erwin Attenberger

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Hi, I´m Erwin, already 69, retired. My first long tour was TDA 2014, where I went from Khartoum to Nairobi and on my own through Uganda, back to Kenia and from there down to Southafrica, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique. Meantime I´ve been on several TDA-Tours including South America, Silk Route and Trans-Himalaya. Looking forward to meet you on the next tour with TDA.

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Marie-Josée Vasseur


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Marie-Josée Vasseur

Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Ron Jewula


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Ron Jewula

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I live in Victoria and Whistler, Canada. Although I am more at home either on a sailboat or skiing, a couple years ago I rediscovered cycling after a short 48 year break. This will be my first trip to India and Nepal so very much looking forward to the ride. I still have a couple years of youth left before I turn 70, so what better way to enjoy life. I’ve done a couple longer rides – across Canada in 2015, Silk Route with TDA in 2014 until a rather inglorious end in Western China (I wasn’t watching and crashed out), then returning again in 2016 to complete the full ride. It will be great to ride again with many good friends – See you in Srinagar next August.

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David Paterson


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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David Paterson

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I am 69, retired, and live in the Okanagan Valley of B.C. Canada. Really only cycle to travel. Went on tda trips in Africa and India and the Himalayas.

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Michael Netzsch


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Michael Netzsch

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I am happy that I can join another tour with TDA.

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Caroline Denee


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Caroline Denee

Srinagar to Kathmandu

New Zealand

The Silk Road in 2014 was my first tour with TDA and my first long distance tour, now I'm back for more. A chance to reunite with old friends, make new friends and to meet like minded souls from all around the world. To explore by bike gives you the chance to experience remote locations, bustling cities, try new cuisines, be part of different cultures, take on new challenges, get plenty of exercise and to have the camaraderie at camp at the end of the day to share the highs and the lows with those who understand. In 2019 I completed the first trans Himalaya tour and that was quite an adventure. Europe will be very different this time. Can't wait for this adventure to begin !

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Frieder Wolfart


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Frieder Wolfart

Srinagar to Kathmandu


After riding with TDA one and a half time the Silkroad, the Magical Madagaskar and the Himalaya Tour it's time for the next one to South Korea an Japan. For me Korea and Japan are totally unknown countries and it's time to change that. I am looking forward to meet some old friends again and to find some new ones.

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ellen loopstra


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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ellen loopstra

Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Simon Thompson


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Simon Thompson

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

I'm an independent IT Consultant. Really looking forward to the Trans-Himalaya - it will be my first major cycling tour and it looks like it will be quite an adventure!

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Per Sörner


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Per Sörner

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Freelance engineer, musician and reality hacker from the Swedish west coast. Currently on an indefinite sabbatical to explore life more fully. I find expedition cycling a good way to practice living in the present, enjoy the "simple" downsized life, see the world, fill up with new impressions and stretch the edge of my comfort zone. Previous TdA experience: Hong Kong to Bangkok (Bamboo Road premiere 2013), Bali to Alice Springs (Trans-Oceania premiere 2014), Quito to Cusco (SAE 2015), Ulan Bator to Gorno-Altaysk (Silk Route 2016), Freetown to Cape Coast (West Africa en Vélo premiere 2018) and Kashmir to Kathmandu (Trans Himalaya premiere 2019). Now preparing for Journey to the East (2024).

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Bernice Aebly


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Bernice Aebly

Srinagar to Kathmandu


This is me having fun in Vermont. This will be my fifth time with TDA, Orient Express in 2018, Baja section of North American Tour, 2013; Australia 2104; and 2 month Silk Route in 2016. The draw for the Silk Route was going through Mongolia . This new tour in the Himalayas is an area that I have not travel to before. Looking forward to the experience and meeting up again with friends from past tours. Wow so excited, a space came available for Journey to the East 2, so here I go again. So many good friends to meet up with again and to enjoy Japan. See you all soon.

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Jonna Koch


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Jonna Koch

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I feel alive when I ride my bike. It is my fourth TDA tour. I did the Trans-Himalaya 2019, Kingdom of the West 2022 and Trans-Caucasus 2022.

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Brigitte Oelert


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Brigitte Oelert

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I am married to Jürgen Willrodt and our first vacation 30 years ago was a bike tour through France. After our kids were grown, Jürgen convinced me to ride the Ruta Maya in Central America in 2015. It was my first TDA tour, which was tough but absolutely fantastic! The following year I cycled part of the Trans-Oceania Tour - from Auckland to Queenstown and in 2019 the first 4 weeks of the Trans-Himalaya Tour. Now I'm looking forward to cycling in Korea and Japan, to meet some friends and to eat the delicious food.

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Dunnery Best


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Dunnery Best

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Victoria B.C. Canadian. Hikes, bikes and races and cruises sailboats. Snow sports: downhill, board, XC classic and skate . Devoted mushroom hunter.

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Marco Panebianco


Srinagar to Kathmandu

Rod Pennington


Manali to Kathmandu

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Rod Pennington

Manali to Kathmandu


Hi there fellow adventure travellers....let's go!

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Harold Solomon


Manali to Rishikesh

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Harold Solomon

Manali to Rishikesh

United States

Husband of 20 years and father of a high school senior, Ben and freshman, Mira. I love adventures and need one now to get my next chapter in life booted up. Always worked well when I've done that in the past and I hope it brings the same magic again.

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Catriona Kennedy


Manali to Kathmandu

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Catriona Kennedy

Manali to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

Mike and I have cycled from Istanbul to Beijing, Shanghai to Singapore, through India, Cartagena to Santiago and Brazil with TDA and done numerous cycling tours through Europe and across America. This trip through Seoul and Japan sounds fantastic and we're really looking forward to it.

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Don Colpitts


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Don Colpitts

Srinagar to Kathmandu


The vendors setting up their market stalls in the early morning light, the children joining friends for the walk to school, scooters carrying entire families through busy intersections: the start of another day, in this town, right now, right here, where I am in the midst of the intimate fleeting dance called life. Some make references to "real-life" back at home, call this journey "once-in-a-lifetime", speak of a destination as a finish line. I reject all such attempts to constrain these experiences of exploring the world's peoples, cultures, geographies, religions, customs, daily rhythms of life, as merely attempts to stay sheltered in what is familiar, to be put it in a box to be forgotten. Instead, these journeys are life-changing: challenging what we think we know, can do, can feel, and need.

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Ruth Storm


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Ruth Storm

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

Joining the Tour d’Afrique in 2007 was the beginning of my love of cycle touring. Since, I’ve cycled independently in Europe, New Zealand, Middle East, North America, TDA Silk Road 2016, TDA Madagascar 2019 and TDA Himalayas 2019. I also sail, trek, climb and ski long distances and remotely. Looking forward to exploring with like-minded friends!

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Henry Gold


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Henry Gold

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Founder, TDA Global Cycling

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Richard Feldman


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Richard Feldman

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

Since 2016, I’ve ridden with Adventure Cycling Association on their Southern Tier USA Cross Country Route, the Route 66 ride from Chicago to L.A. and the Pacific Coast from the Canadian to Mexican borders. Morocco will be my third trip with TDA. My previous trips are the Bamboo Road from Shanghai to Singapore. and The Trans Himalayan ride through Northern India into Nepal. Great adventures all! Semi-retired, divorced with two adult sons. I live in and bike New York City. Enthusiastically looking forward to this new adventure! Everyone tells me Morocco in a fantastic place to see and be.

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gonzalo garcia


Rishikesh to Kathmandu

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gonzalo garcia

Rishikesh to Kathmandu


Hello I am Gonzalo García, from Ecuador, a life time sports fan, bike lover that enjoy adventures, meet new people and cultures.

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Peye Vlot


Srinagar to Manali

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Peye Vlot

Srinagar to Manali


Since 1990 living and working ( dental surgeon ) in Muscat ( Sultanate of Oman ).

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Juan Xavier Checa


Rishikesh to Kathmandu

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Juan Xavier Checa

Rishikesh to Kathmandu


Hello, my name is Juan Xavier Checa, I am from Ecuador. I love to be in the nature and make new friends. I am waiting to start riding my bike in this tour!!!!!

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Ross Norton


Manali to Kathmandu

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Ross Norton

Manali to Kathmandu

South Africa

Lover of mountains, keen mountain biker, Capetonian and father to two teenage daughters

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Fred Promoli


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Fred Promoli

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Occupation: retired Physical Education and Outdoor Education teacher; former naval officer; Hometown: Guelph, Ontario Current residence: Collingwood, Ontario Former provinces of residence: all but Nfld, NB, PEI TdA experience: Tour d'Afrique 2003; Orient Express 2008; Silk Route 2008; Bamboo Road 2013; Australia 2014; South America 2015, 2017; Lake Winnipeg 2016; (America by Bicycle northern route 2016); Trans Himalaya 2019 Current activities: cycling, motorcycle touring, golf, canoe tripping, xc skiing; bagpipe band member

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Juergen Willrodt


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Juergen Willrodt

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I am 73 years old and have already participated in 10 TDA tours mainly as a sectional rider. I am married and happy father of three girls (42, 27 and 24) and grandfather of three grandchildren. I am partly retired working now just 1 or 2 days a week which gives me plenty of time to travel. I have studied physics and have a Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics. I have been active in sports all my life and before I started doing cycling tours I have been active in Karate and participated in World Championships 1975 in Los Angeles and 1977 in Tokyo and became European Champion in 1977. You can find more information on my website.

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Michael Kennedy


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Michael Kennedy

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

This is my 8th TDA tour starting with the first TDA I have also done the first Silk Route, Bamboo Road, South American Epic, Carnival Cycling Expedition and Trans Himalaya as well as the second India Adventure/Hippy trail. I have also cycled across the US twice, Europe, eastern Australia and South America as well as numerous shorter tours around America, Europe and North Africa.

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Rae Simpson


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Rae Simpson

Srinagar to Kathmandu


This is our eleventh TDA trip for me and my wife Ursula. We're looking forward to riding Italy with a number of of friends from previous TDA trips and making new friends. I'm also looking forward to breaking in two new knees.

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Ursula Simpson


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Ursula Simpson

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I am a retired database analyst. Enjoying life in Squamish, on Canada's West coast. Either hiking, biking, or skiing. Having fun with my two grandsons and one grand daughter or hanging out with friends. My husband Rae and I have participated in 10 TdA tours all in either the Oceania, African or Asian continents. I was born and raised in Switzerland and therefore I am very much looking forward to experiencing the European flair again whilst riding through Italy.

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Emily Currie

Tour Leader

Srinagar to Kathmandu

Peter Hodges


Srinagar to Kathmandu

Erwin Attenberger


Srinagar to Kathmandu

Marie-Josée Vasseur


Srinagar to Kathmandu

Ron Jewula


Srinagar to Kathmandu




Felice de Schutter

Tour Leader Trainee

Leh to Kathmandu

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Felice de Schutter

Tour Leader Trainee
Leh to Kathmandu


Hitchhiking through Argentina and Chile 6 years ago first inspired me to travel by bike. Meeting so many long-distance cyclists and listening to their stories I just couldn't help it but buy a bike for my own adventures. And once you start travelling by bike, you can never go back. The freedom it gives you, not having to wait for a bus but just hop on the bike, the perfect pace at which you move through the environment, fast enough to cover some distance, but slow enough to see everything, interacting with the locals whenever you like, occasionally stopping for delicious local meals, and in the evening, finding the most beautiful campspot for setting up the tent, it's unique. Not to forget just feeling good moving in the fresh air all day. Since I fell in love with bikepacking, I spend a couple of months every year on self-supported bikepacking trips. The Alps, Eastern Europe, Dolomites, Italy, and most recently I spent 6 months cycling all the way through Mexico from North to South. Before I started working with TDA, I guided MTB tours crossing the Alps, and, combining my degree in Psychology with my passion for the outdoors, I took troubled kids for month-long hiking trips through the German forests. I am convinced that being outside in nature, especially in combination with sports is the best way to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Being confronted with and testing and overcoming your own limits each day inevitably leads you to become stronger. Share this experience with a like-minded, adventurous community like you meet with TDA, and the positive outcomes double. I'm super excited for this next trip and curious to meet everyone! Hasta luego!

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Samuel Roy

Tour Leader

Leh to Kathmandu

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Samuel Roy

Tour Leader
Leh to Kathmandu


I see bike touring as an opportunity to slow down and bring yourself back to the essential things in life. Food, water, shelter, love, connection, space in your heart, space in your mind, movement, exploration. I believe that travelling by bike is the best way to discover our beautiful planet because of the pace of travel. It's fast enough to cover ground and cross continents, as we do with TDA, but it's slow enough to be able to truly soak in the destination you're in and everything that comes with it. The vulnerability of being alone on a bike, dressed up in bright lycra in the middle of nowhere makes you approachable and sparks curiousness and interest in the locals you meet on the road. As a tour leader with TDA, I am grateful to have the opportunity to facilitate these experiences, moments and connections.

I'm originally from Montreal in Canada where I studied business and tourism, but I have recently moved to Barcelona where cycling is unreal, even over the winter months. For the past few years, my career has been a collection of different projects and opportunities such as working as a TV host back home in Quebec, guiding with TDA and other outdoors companies as well as running my own vanlife conversion business. I've always loved getting around on two wheels, for some years, my focus was to go as fast as I could while I raced Ironman triathlons as a semi-pro. Nowadays, I still enjoy riding my bike, but a little slower, and looking around much more.

My best memory on tour is without a doubt when both my parents joined the 2019 Tour d'Afrique as riders to cycle the last two sections of the tour, from Vic Falls to Cape Town. It was such a precious privilege to be on sweep duty and get to ride with both of them through the namibian dunes.

As a tip for future participants, I think the best mindset to come onto a tour with is one of gratitude. We are all so privileged, both staff and riders, to be on these trips that being grateful for this life we get to live is an attitude we must cultivate.

See you on the road!

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Yanez Novoa

Assistant Tour Leader

Leh to Kathmandu

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Yanez Novoa

Assistant Tour Leader
Leh to Kathmandu

South Africa

A long time ago, I had a ten minute conversation on the beach with Steve who had been on a TDA tour through Africa. I didn’t know it then but it planted a thought in my head that would soon change the course of my life.

It seemed that everything I had done before had in some way prepared me for this. A life in hospitality and a few years at sea - from some grand establishments to some very inhospitable vessels and anything in-between.

There were a variety of less stimulating occupations I had explored before I landed at TDA. I think this is what has kept me here for so long, the almost overwhelming stimulation that one gets from daily life on tour, which is miles apart from my quiet country life in South Africa.

That, and the other people. There is always such a variety of people from all walks of life and from all over the world that I would otherwise not have met.

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Rama Kant

Tour Leader Trainee

Leh to Kathmandu

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Rama Kant

Tour Leader Trainee
Leh to Kathmandu


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Samuel Covins


Leh to Kathmandu

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Samuel Covins

Leh to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

UK-based doctor working in emergency & expedition medicine and previous tour medic on the Tour d'Afrique. Looking forward to cycling around Asia with you all on the Trans Himalaya and Golden Buddha tours later this year!

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Ezhil Vasanthan Ebinezer

Tour Leader Trainee

Leh to Kathmandu

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Ezhil Vasanthan Ebinezer

Tour Leader Trainee
Leh to Kathmandu

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depi Chaudhry

Local Support

Leh to Kathmandu

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depi Chaudhry

Local Support
Leh to Kathmandu


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Shaik Baba

Bike Mechanic

Leh to Kathmandu

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Shaik Baba

Bike Mechanic
Leh to Kathmandu


Baba is a maestro in the art of cycle maintenance. He has close to 20 years of experience in the industry along with 10 years of travelling the length and breath of the country on cycle trips and camps. India is a highly diversified country with many languages. With five spoken languages under his belt, Baba is an asset to have on the team. Baba is a very friendly team person and ever willing to help & contribute in all aspects.

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Sharita van der Merwe

Assistant Tour Leader

Leh to Shimla

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Sharita van der Merwe

Assistant Tour Leader
Leh to Shimla

South Africa

“The thing I love most about my job is watching the social dynamics unfold.”

For as long as I can remember I’ve been stripping, fixing, and riding bicycles. As well, I knew from a young age I wanted to explore, travel, and see the world—my dream at one time was to fly airplanes. However, it wasn’t long before I realized that flying in a straight line from point A to point B wasn’t for me!

When I left school I had no direction, no idea of where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do, once my dream of flying died. In 2003, I saw a magazine ad of a bunch of cyclists lined up in front of the Giza pyramids and I became hooked on the idea of doing that but I had to choose between taking a four-month cycling trip across Africa or going to Warriors Boot Camp to get educated. I chose Warriors and the programme equipped me for life by giving me a solid foundation. There, I was free to discover and explore who I was and to test physical and mental endurance. Having my attitude and my comfort zone constantly pushed readied me for all sorts of real-world challenges. I stayed at Warriors for three years, then cycled solo across Africa when I was 22 years old. In 2009, I landed the job as TDA’s assistant tour director on the Cairo to Cape Town trip—and the rest is history.

Ever since, Africa has been my baby and my favourite. I’ve worked on other tours—the Silk Route, the Bamboo Road, Ruta Maya, Magical Madagascar—but Africa is my full-time project and has lately included TDA’s complex tour of West Africa.

I’m based in beautiful Cape Town; when I’m not here, I’m scouting, exploring, problem-solving somewhere in the world and revelling in the adventure of being alive.

TDA has taken me to 80 countries and my most incredible off-the-beaten-track expedition was the West Africa scout in 2017, especially Guinea—I’d never been to a place so remote, rough or wild. I fell in love with Africa all over again on that trip. The stories are epic and endless!

There’s never a dull moment with TDA, because you absolutely never know what’s going to happen next.

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Dag Willems


Leh to Kathmandu

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Dag Willems

Leh to Kathmandu

South Africa

I love nature, the mountains, landscapes, endurance and i like riding my bike in new territories. I like to feel the elements on my body, a challenge and an adventure. I like to be completely freed and taken away from the every day routines and responsibilities of life. The Trans Himalaya seems to tick all the boxes! I look forward to meet everyone on the tour.

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josine meurs


Leh to Kathmandu

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josine meurs

Leh to Kathmandu


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Leh to Kathmandu

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Leh to Kathmandu


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Karin Lind Hansen


Leh to Kathmandu

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Karin Lind Hansen

Leh to Kathmandu


I love travelling. I love biking. I love visiting new places. I have visited several places with TDA - but there are still places left to see, explore, and enjoy :)

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Mary Potyrala


Leh to Kathmandu

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Mary Potyrala

Leh to Kathmandu


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Dennis Joe


Leh to Kathmandu

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Dennis Joe

Leh to Kathmandu

United States

I'm looking for the next adventure and new places. And I look forward to meeting and traveling with my fellow travelers and sharing this adventure. See ya soon!!

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Richard Schingler


Leh to Kathmandu

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Richard Schingler

Leh to Kathmandu

United States

I love to travel and see the world from the seat of a bicycle. This will be my fifth tour with TDA.

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Craig Tingle


Leh to Kathmandu

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Craig Tingle

Leh to Kathmandu

South Africa

Looking forward to another trip with TDA and meeting up with my very old Canadian friend.

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Tjeerd Saatrube


Leh to Kathmandu

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Tjeerd Saatrube

Leh to Kathmandu


Hi, my name is typical Dutch and for most people difficult to pronounce. So just call me 'cheers', that's very close to what it should be. Although I am a flatlander of 57 years, I love the mountains all year round: hiking, skiing and biking. In 2023 I enjoyed my first TDA-tour to the Himalayas. That experience tasted so good, that I really wanted to book another trip with TDA.

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Bob Whitehead


Leh to Kathmandu

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Bob Whitehead

Leh to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

Bob Whitehead Age: 75 Profession: Retired Chartered Civil Engineer Resident in Hong Kong: 31 years I was attracted to join my first bike tour in 2012 with TDA Global by the prospect of long distance adventure cycling in intriguing and sometimes remote and hostile environments. This was TDA's Silk Road tour. Some time later, when I saw their South American bike tour advertised, I was immediately attracted back to do my second long distance tour. I have now fitted bike touring into my already full & active lifestyle! So where have I come from? I’m a retired civil engineer and have lived in rural Hong Kong on and off for much of the last 40 years. There is a great range of outdoor activities on the doorstep, in particular excellent trail running and sailing. It’s also a good hub from which to take off to countries in the region and indulge in skiing, trekking and even simply just travelling! When one is still fit, why would you want to leave Hong Kong, even after 31 years? Well, I have at last now moved back to UK. As for what else got me into cycling……..Well, I’ve been a trail runner for most of my time in HK and reached the top level in my age category in cross-country, long distance trail running and mountain marathons at the ripe old age of 55. Then, after a few years, I decided to take after the great ultra-marathon runner, Marshall Ulrich, and diversify. This, as a way to keep motivated. It started with adventure racing and along with a team mate, we travelled around SE Asia competing at the top level for a number of years. Mountain biking was an important discipline and to help with my bike fitness, I brought my trusty 30-year old Carlton Gyro road bike over from the UK as my training steed. This had to go back recently to be sandblasted and painted after suffering from the ravages of Hong Kong's humidity for 10-years. Then in 2010, we competed in the Scottish Coast to Coast adventure race, for which I purchased a 16-speed cyclo-cross bike. I decided to "tour" back along the route over 5-days. This started me thinking about doing a "proper" bike tour and since I possessed a book about the Silk Road, such a bike tour loomed high on the agenda. I had also picked up a couple of books in a second hand bookshop back home in England. They were travel books on Morocco and Yunnan province in China. Glancing through those I rediscovered trekking, something I had experienced years before in Nepal in the early ‘80s. So long distance bike touring and high altitude trekking have been the focus more recently. In 2012, it was the Silk Road for 10-weeks for which I set up my mountain bike with road transmission components. In May 2013, I completed two solo treks in Morocco each based on the two highest peaks of Toubkal and Mgoun, both a little over 4000 metres. And from May 2014, China was the focus. It started with the Big Kora, a Pilgrims' circumnavigation of three 6000-metre peaks in western China involving seven mountain passes of up to 4700m. Since then, Habba Snow mountain has been the focus, with several trips (there being no maps available) culminating in a successful trip to the summit at 5,396m in 2019. Late in 2014, I completed a 5-day tour in Devon, UK on my cyclo-cross bike. This with a view to tackling LEJOG, a bike challenge of 970 miles taking in the UK from bottom to top (SW to NE). I needed to test out my gearing for the many hills on LEJOG. The idea was to take in LEJOG as a warm up for the SA Epic. The part of the LEJOG in Devon has the toughest hills on the whole LEJOG route, so this was an ideal testing ground for my equipment and gearing. And the result? I straight-away ordered a new MTB cassette and new rear changer for the bike! As for LEJOG, well I completed this in 12-days after Easter 2015 …….. and still had to walk up a number of the hills! For the South American Epic, starting in July 2015, I decided to take my mountain bike, which had proved very successful and trouble free on the Silk Road. I felt it more suitable and comfortable for the longer distances and longer climbs. And it featured yet again in the TDA West Africa tour in 2018. Meanwhile I'm still enjoying trail running and find it compliments biking very nicely. I also more recently introduced road biking to my activities and found a superb circuit in South Devon which takes me about 23kms there and back along superb coastal scenery.

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Leh to Kathmandu

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Leh to Kathmandu


Cyclist since 1987 after having been a runner, I traveled mainly in France and a little in Europe, in 1993, I made my first trip ouside the european continent, it was Colorado's turn. In 2018 i started a world tour by bike....The tour d'Afrique is one of them.

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frank smith


Leh to Kathmandu

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frank smith

Leh to Kathmandu


This is a great chance to ride with some old Boet from the RSA.I have only been in this part of the country while travelling in a car so it will be great to slow down and see the area.

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Laurens Keesen


Leh to Kathmandu

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Laurens Keesen

Leh to Kathmandu


I am 61. I cycle a lot. I am born in Holland, and moved to the Caribbean island of Curacao 27 years ago. I am really looking forward to my next adventure. I did several bike tours in Europe and South America carrying my own stuff. This is my second time on an organized tour, I did the Trans Himalaya last year.

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Erik Snucins


Leh to Kathmandu

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Erik Snucins

Leh to Kathmandu


Retired Land Surveyor , gentleman farmer, and enjoy long rides

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Tom Woodard


Leh to Kathmandu

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Tom Woodard

Leh to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

Time for another adventure, (veteran of Tour d'Afrique 2018, South American Epic 2022 and Trans-Himalaya 2023.) Looking forward to meeting a group of like minded people to share the experience.

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Mats Fredrix


Leh to Kathmandu

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Mats Fredrix

Leh to Kathmandu


I remember the first time I had tears of joy running down my cheeks on a descent. The day after I was screaming every syllable of 'Paradise by the Dashboard Lights' to endure the pains of a full day in the headwind. These might just be some of mine, but you'll experience plenty, beautifully weird 'joys of riding' of your own. When those happen, I'm your man. To tell your story, your adventure. Or you might just want a cool looking picture of you and some mountains. See you out there, Rouleurs!

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Brenda Trenholme


Leh to Kathmandu

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Brenda Trenholme

Leh to Kathmandu


I have a passion for most outdoor sports, especially in the mountains. As a TDA veteran, I’m looking forward to exploring SA with old cycling friends and staff and meeting new ones. By giving slideshows of my cycling adventures, I fundraise for a Canadian charity called the Kenya Education Endowment Fund.

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An Vaes


Leh to Kathmandu

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An Vaes

Leh to Kathmandu


After tour d’Afrique, I didn’t expect to take part of a new adventure so fast. But as life can sometimes take unexpected turns, this is definitely one of them. I’m looking forward to this adventure. See you all very soon!

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Henk van der Huls


Leh to Shimla

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Henk van der Huls

Leh to Shimla


Dutchman , cycles regularly , 75 years of age , medical background , living in the carribean on Curacao . NA .Happily married.

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Brian McCloskey


Leh to Shimla

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Brian McCloskey

Leh to Shimla

United States

My wife Karen and I reside along the seacoast north of Boston. I've previously enjoyed experiences with TDA riding sections of the GART tour in 2021; a section of the 2023 NA Epic from Banff to Helena last fall; pedaling across Rajasthan Province on the Hippie Trail last February and most recently riding on TDA's Trans Himalaya. As always I am looking forward to reuniting with old friends and exploring new and exciting landscapes and cultures.

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Samuel Roy

Tour Leader

Leh to Kathmandu

Dag Willems


Leh to Kathmandu

josine meurs


Leh to Kathmandu



Leh to Kathmandu

Karin Lind Hansen


Leh to Kathmandu






Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Jan Demeulemeester


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Jan Demeulemeester

Srinagar to Kathmandu


In daily life a site manager in Belgium, who likes to discover and enjoy the world by bicycle in a slow way.

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Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

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Mark Van Cott


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Mark Van Cott

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Didier Muller


Srinagar to Shimla

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Didier Muller

Srinagar to Shimla

United States

Soon retiring from corporate life , i enjoy riding almost daily and i am looking forward to enjoy traveling with my bike. ...Born in France , US Citizen and a Brazilian resident for a few years

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Philip Newton


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Philip Newton

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Jeff Morin


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Jeff Morin

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

I've been biking for decades but have never done a really long ride like this, really looking forward to the challenge and a great experience!

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Peter Cox


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Peter Cox

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Love seeing the world from a bike saddle! Rode Cairo to Cape Town 2019 Rode Trans Caucasus 2022 Rode Golden Buddha 2023 Morocco 2024

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Kees Kouwenhoven


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Kees Kouwenhoven

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Born and raised in Holland. I am married for a long time, over 60 years of age and working in agricultural business as an advisor for growers in pest management in greenhouses. Besides travelling, cycling is one of my hobbies so this tour is a good combination of both. With friends we have been cycling a lot through Europe This will be my second expedition outside Europe after doing half of the Silk Route with TDA four years ago. Hoping to make new memories

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Erika Kellerhals


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Erika Kellerhals

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I am a super keen cyclist. Making time away from work as an addictions doctor to gradually cycle more places on our planet.

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Evelyn Holland


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Evelyn Holland

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

Starting to lose track of how many TDA trips we've done! I think this will be #8. Really looking forward to riding in the British Isles as we have wanted to go there for awhile now.

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Greg Forst


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Greg Forst

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

Have been a cyclist since '92 doing a variety of things including commuting to work, week long rides, after work group rides and more recently longer duration rides including one across the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon of Canada. I enjoyed the challenges and scenery of the Outback and the terrain of New Zealand on the 2016 Trans Oceania tour. Rode the Bamboo trail and enjoyed it immensely. Had an overall good time on the Hippie Trail. The food was great and the whole experience was incredible.

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nicholas Ramsbotham


Shimla to Kathmandu

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nicholas Ramsbotham

Shimla to Kathmandu

United Kingdom

Getting a different perspective on life but I have no social media so no links Sorry

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Marv Hildebrand


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Marv Hildebrand

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Happily retired, grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, and trying to make the most of QTR (quality time remaining).

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Michael Stevenson


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Michael Stevenson

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Omar Francone


Srinagar to Shimla

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Omar Francone

Srinagar to Shimla

United States

Born and raised in Argentina. Performed undergrad studies in Argentina and grad studies in France and the US. Medical Science Scientist in Academia and Private sector. Recently retired from the biotech industry in Boston. Love and played many sports. First tour with TDA. Looking forward meeting everyone at the tour, have fun and memorable memories...!

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Gregory Cullen


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Gregory Cullen

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Retired USMC: exploring the world with my partner on our bicycles

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Brian Rodgers


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Brian Rodgers

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

I'm more of a general adventurer than a hard core bicycle enthusiast even though I've ridden TDA's Tour d'Afrique, Orient Express, Silk Route, Hippie Trail and half of the Trans-Europa from Tallinn to Venice. It's been life changing. Thanks Henry and staff!

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Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Elaine Cox


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Elaine Cox

Srinagar to Kathmandu


This will be my third TDA tour and so far I have only been able to do sections of the tours due to time limits. I live in Toronto, love to travel and like the challenge of the riding and meeting new people on the TDA tours.

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Alain Gauvin


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Alain Gauvin

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I like sports and travels, lots of both, so this is perfect for me.

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Johan Saey


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Johan Saey

Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Anne-Karine Lapointe


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Anne-Karine Lapointe

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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John Dunn


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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John Dunn

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Murray Beare


Srinagar to Shimla

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Murray Beare

Srinagar to Shimla


Rode from Tuk to Fort St John on the NA Epic 2109. Trans Caucuses late Summer 2022. I have never been on a TDA tour without camping so this is a great opportunity without a tent.

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Joanne Snow


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Joanne Snow

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

Hello. I am a rehabilitation medicine physician taking time off to realize some cycling goals. I am looking forward to a new adventure by bike.

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Spiros Theophilas


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Spiros Theophilas

Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Ingrid Bron


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Ingrid Bron

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Elizabeth (Liz) Crago


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Elizabeth (Liz) Crago

Srinagar to Kathmandu

New Zealand

There are so many interesting places to travel to, and I can't think of any better way to travel through anywhere, than by bike. I enjoy the challenge it brings and I look forward to going to the more out of the way locations. I enjoy travel, and I love cycling so am looking forward to combining them both again on this trip. My first TDA trip was Madagascar in 2019, I did the Trans-Caucasus in 2022, and I can’t wait to do another trip with TDA. The Silk Road has always inspired me, and does daunt me at the same time, but I look forward to experiencing what it has to offer. In the meantime I look forward to a few sections in South America!

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Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Mark Pritchard


Srinagar to Shimla

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Mark Pritchard

Srinagar to Shimla

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Joanna Jaworska


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Joanna Jaworska

Srinagar to Kathmandu


I'm 66 and live in Warsaw, Poland. Until a few years ago I've been very active in business (running my own company and our horse ranch). Then my kids took over my responsibilities and now I have more time for me and my sports activities. A few years ago I started to bike. I’ve done a few MTB biking trips in the mountains of Portugal, Austria and Albania and been bike touring in Norway, Scotland, Spain and Corsica. 2022 I participated in the New Zealand sections of TransOceania and 2023 in the full tour of Journey to the East - it’s been great!

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Jan Kremer


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Jan Kremer

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Traveling by bicycle shows you this wonderful world we live in, full of beauty, charm and adventures. It’s like a storybook, with 1.000 pages, and by cycling the continent, you will read it all! Looking forward to the beautiful Himalayas, meeting new inspiring people and enjoying the cycle journey from Srinagar to Kathmandu.

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Camia Young


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Camia Young

Srinagar to Kathmandu

New Zealand

I live in Aotearoa New Zealand and grew up in the US, I'm a dual citizen. I turn 50 years old this year, and am planting joy bombs throughout the year in celebration of life. Thus this trip, it is a gift to self. I've toured NZ, the west coast of the US/Canada and across Italy, all on my own. I look forward to leaving the planning to TDA and peddling with other cyclists.

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Michiel van Wijk


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Michiel van Wijk

Srinagar to Kathmandu


Love the mountains and absence of smooth asphalt, the team spirit on the way and a well deserved hot shower afterwards.

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Leslie Gomm


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Leslie Gomm

Srinagar to Kathmandu


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Anne Thompson


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Anne Thompson

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

Looking forward to this trip!

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Mark Heim


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Mark Heim

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

I was fortunate to retire early several years ago and since then I enjoy spending my free time staying fit and active. I've done multiple other long distance bike tours including a ride across the US then up to Alaska, TDA's Transeuropa, South American Epic, the Silk Route, and part of Africa, and the first half of the North American Epic. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with old friends and meeting new people.

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Albert Marino


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Albert Marino

Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Gary Womeldorff


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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Gary Womeldorff

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

I live in the Seattle area and love being in the outdoors. Cycling has been my main passion for over 35 years. After riding the Bamboo Road in 2022, and Nairobi to Cape Town in 2024, I'm looking forward to my next TDA adventure.

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David Moliterno


Srinagar to Kathmandu

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David Moliterno

Srinagar to Kathmandu

United States

Semi-retired (ie, down to 40 hours per week) and enjoy getting onto bicycle to see another corner of the world yet seen by me.

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Karin Lind Hansen


Srinagar to Shimla

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Karin Lind Hansen

Srinagar to Shimla


I love travelling. I love biking. I love visiting new places. I have visited several places with TDA - but there are still places left to see, explore, and enjoy :)

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Srinagar to Kathmandu

Jan Demeulemeester


Srinagar to Kathmandu



Srinagar to Kathmandu

Mark Van Cott


Srinagar to Kathmandu

Didier Muller


Srinagar to Shimla




“Fantastic exposure to remote Himalayan culture and terrain, with time to explore cultural interests amid fun and sometimes challenging conditions. Superb support by skilled and friendly staff, and a most congenial group of competent, friendly cyclists. Highly recommended.”

“TDA has done it again! The tour exceeded all my expectations. The routes were well planned and never boring! You see India and Nepal from the unique perspective - from the saddle of your bike! The most beautiful part is you see the countries and it's people, unfiltered. You also learned to expect the unexpected!”

“A true trip of a lifetime. My favourite cycle tour. TDA delivered an adventurous route with incredible scenery, supported by a fabulous team that was always ready to handle the unexpected.”


  • AUG 21 TO OCT 10
  • AUG 21 TO SEP 13
  • SEP 15 TO OCT 10
    • AUG 21 TO OCT 10
    • Aug 21 - Sep 13
    • Sep 15 - Oct 10


  • 2025
  • 2027
  • AUG 21 TO OCT 10
  • AUG 21 TO OCT 10
  • 2025
    • Aug 21 - Oct 10
  • 2027
    • Aug 21 - Oct 10

Full tour and section dates listed are for first and last day of cycling. Prices based on double occupancy at majority of the hotels. Solo riders will be paired with another rider of the same gender at no additional charge. Accommodation the night before first cycling day and the night of last cycling day are included in entry fee. We advise booking at least 1 additional night at tour accommodation before the tour, to be able to attend rider briefing and have assistance from tour bike mechanic in setting up your bike.

Full entry fee payment is due 90 days before the tour start date. A registration fee of US$150 must first be paid to hold your place on the tour and is in addition to the entry fee listed above. Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. We recommend registering 4 - 6 months before the tour start date to take full advantage of our pre-tour support and information bulletins, but late registrations are possible when spaces are still available.

Full tour entry fees will receive an early payment discount of USD$TBA if full payment is received 6 months before the start of the tour. TDA alumni get special alumni discounts. Please contact our office for further details.








Golden Buddha Ride

difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
adventure level icon
far out level far out level far out level far out level far out level



51 DAYS,
4,100 km


Road of Empires

difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
adventure level icon
far out level far out level far out level far out level far out level



41 DAYS,
2,260 km


Hippie Trail

difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
adventure level icon
far out level far out level far out level far out level far out level



39 DAYS,
2,900 km


We welcome you to join us, free of charge, for up to three days on one of our tours in your area. An excellent chance to sample the TDA experience first hand without committing to a longer tour.


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