UPDATED November 14, 2007

BY The TDA Team

IN Silk Route

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UPDATED November 14, 2007

BY The TDA Team

IN Silk Route

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On to Beijing

The pollution is thick, and the traffic is somewhat crazy at times, but on the bright side the temperatures have been pleasant, the roads flat, no winds to speak of and the hotel tonight was unexpectedly comfortable and classy, and our dinner in the restaurant was fabulous with lots of wonderful Chinese mushrooms, lamb, beef, chicken and pork dishes, lots of other veggies and the food kept coming.

The G107 is the highway that were on now and will continue on until we reach Beijing –  it is by no means a pleasant ride on a country highway – it is bustling and busy with the constant honking of horns and squealing of brakes, but as the towns get bigger you do notice more and more bicycles, and you can easily find yourself riding in a pack of 30 or 40 other cyclists, heading home from work, and going to the market. There’s strength in numbers and you do start to feel a little less threatened by the automobile traffic with so many other bicycles around you.

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