UPDATED May 1, 2009

BY The TDA Team

IN Tour d'Afrique

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UPDATED May 1, 2009

BY The TDA Team

IN Tour d'Afrique

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Namibian Reflections


Namibia presents the Td’A riders with a problem. After the long, flat, brush filled stretches of Botswana gave us time to contemplate going home, even look forward to it, Namibia’s ever changing landscape reminds us of how much there is of Africa that we haven’t seen, and how much remains to be explored.


We’re at the point where 110km in a day seems a short day- a day where we have more than enough energy & enthusiasm to go and check out the highlight of today’s campsite- The Fish River Canyon. It’s the second largest canyon in the world, and it is gorgeous.


Some riders have just returned from the coast, equally impressed with their vacation from a vacation.


That is also the beauty of the end. More people realize that this doesn’t have to be an adrenaline charged nightmare where we begin to resent our bikes (though riding through thick and thin is definitely a pleasure for some). Some are wandering off for little bits to enjoy the tranquility of Africa, or to have some crazy adventure that they can keep to themselves, without sixty eyes on them.


The best is that we have come into our own. Everyone’s personality is fully shining through for better or worse. Because we have spent so much time with the brutal honesty of each other, there is now a sort of liberation to make this trip what you want, with no concern for the judgment of others, if you ride slowly, alone, or even run away for a few days.


We’re near the end, we’re in possibly the most beautiful country we’ve seen so far, and with that comes a feeling of bliss and being in the moment. Hopefully those moments slow down a bit for the next and final week.

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