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South American Epic 2024

South American Epic 2024

South American Epic 2024

The only South American bicycle trip that covers the continent from top to tip and everything it has to offer


Chris Wille


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Chris Wille

Cartagena to Ushuaia


"The very core of man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun" Chris McCandless Into the Wild Extremely happy and grateful to have participated in and cycled the equivalent of twice around the world on some 10+ incredible TDA trips, Coast to coast, all EFI, on 6 of the worlds 7 continents. First rider to have completed all & of the TDA 7 Epics. Special thanks to the TDA and their amazing, dedicated staff for making such trips,. and the quote above, possible- there is an incredible amount of work that goes into scouting, logistics, bookings, vehicles, staffing food, etc etc. Nobody does it better than the TDA, No one runs tours like they do on roads less travelled. It's a wonderful lifestyle, Eat, Sleep and Ride. Learning lots every day from wherever we are on the planet. " The world is my classroom, I am it's student and class is in session" Thanks also to the many wonderful, strong willed fellow riders who have helped shape each unique journey and make it special. From ages 25 to 78+, you are all very inspiring and show us what is possible, proving that age is just a number. Super inspired on the recent Journey to the East tour where over 50% of the riders were between 70-80 years young! Thanks also to my dedicated and understanding wife Linda, Together we started a charity in 2008, Bicycles for Humanity Victoria. Since inception we have collected, shipped and donated over 6513 good used bikes and spare parts to 4 African countries, Namibia, Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi in 15 Containerloads. Our work has paused for now after 15 years due to wife's health issues., .

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Bob Whitehead


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Bob Whitehead

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Bob Whitehead Age: 75 Profession: Retired Chartered Civil Engineer Resident in Hong Kong: 31 years I was attracted to join my first bike tour in 2012 with TDA Global by the prospect of long distance adventure cycling in intriguing and sometimes remote and hostile environments. This was TDA's Silk Road tour. Some time later, when I saw their South American bike tour advertised, I was immediately attracted back to do my second long distance tour. I have now fitted bike touring into my already full & active lifestyle! So where have I come from? I’m a retired civil engineer and have lived in rural Hong Kong on and off for much of the last 40 years. There is a great range of outdoor activities on the doorstep, in particular excellent trail running and sailing. It’s also a good hub from which to take off to countries in the region and indulge in skiing, trekking and even simply just travelling! When one is still fit, why would you want to leave Hong Kong, even after 31 years? Well, I have at last now moved back to UK. As for what else got me into cycling……..Well, I’ve been a trail runner for most of my time in HK and reached the top level in my age category in cross-country, long distance trail running and mountain marathons at the ripe old age of 55. Then, after a few years, I decided to take after the great ultra-marathon runner, Marshall Ulrich, and diversify. This, as a way to keep motivated. It started with adventure racing and along with a team mate, we travelled around SE Asia competing at the top level for a number of years. Mountain biking was an important discipline and to help with my bike fitness, I brought my trusty 30-year old Carlton Gyro road bike over from the UK as my training steed. This had to go back recently to be sandblasted and painted after suffering from the ravages of Hong Kong's humidity for 10-years. Then in 2010, we competed in the Scottish Coast to Coast adventure race, for which I purchased a 16-speed cyclo-cross bike. I decided to "tour" back along the route over 5-days. This started me thinking about doing a "proper" bike tour and since I possessed a book about the Silk Road, such a bike tour loomed high on the agenda. I had also picked up a couple of books in a second hand bookshop back home in England. They were travel books on Morocco and Yunnan province in China. Glancing through those I rediscovered trekking, something I had experienced years before in Nepal in the early ‘80s. So long distance bike touring and high altitude trekking have been the focus more recently. In 2012, it was the Silk Road for 10-weeks for which I set up my mountain bike with road transmission components. In May 2013, I completed two solo treks in Morocco each based on the two highest peaks of Toubkal and Mgoun, both a little over 4000 metres. And from May 2014, China was the focus. It started with the Big Kora, a Pilgrims' circumnavigation of three 6000-metre peaks in western China involving seven mountain passes of up to 4700m. Since then, Habba Snow mountain has been the focus, with several trips (there being no maps available) culminating in a successful trip to the summit at 5,396m in 2019. Late in 2014, I completed a 5-day tour in Devon, UK on my cyclo-cross bike. This with a view to tackling LEJOG, a bike challenge of 970 miles taking in the UK from bottom to top (SW to NE). I needed to test out my gearing for the many hills on LEJOG. The idea was to take in LEJOG as a warm up for the SA Epic. The part of the LEJOG in Devon has the toughest hills on the whole LEJOG route, so this was an ideal testing ground for my equipment and gearing. And the result? I straight-away ordered a new MTB cassette and new rear changer for the bike! As for LEJOG, well I completed this in 12-days after Easter 2015 …….. and still had to walk up a number of the hills! For the South American Epic, starting in July 2015, I decided to take my mountain bike, which had proved very successful and trouble free on the Silk Road. I felt it more suitable and comfortable for the longer distances and longer climbs. And it featured yet again in the TDA West Africa tour in 2018. Meanwhile I'm still enjoying trail running and find it compliments biking very nicely. I also more recently introduced road biking to my activities and found a superb circuit in South Devon which takes me about 23kms there and back along superb coastal scenery.

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Kaye Hudson


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Kaye Hudson

Cartagena to Ushuaia

New Zealand

Have done 3 rides with TDA Trans Europa 2012, South American 2015 and NZ section of Trans Oceania in 2016 and m doing the Odyssey from Bosnia to Amsterdam in 2017. I look forward to catching up with riders from previous rides and meeting new ones on the Pub Ride plus catching up with old friends on the NA

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Jason Becker


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jason Becker

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

Like everyone here, I love my a glorious mode of transportation, but much more importantly as a freedom tool, taking me to places around the world I would never have seen if not from atop my bike. I have kept myself busy the past decade and a half as an art teacher and freelance artist and designer. I also love traveling, hiking, drawing, painting, building models, and anything else involving creativity. I currently live in Kansas, but look forward to the day, very soon perhaps, when I can wake up to mountains out my window.

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John Stowe


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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John Stowe

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

My first thought about biking the SAE was: "I'm not letting Chris Willie, Chris Jones, and Dudley Jesser get all the glory...and drink all the beer!" :) ...and so begins my 4th tour with TDA. Can't wait to see you all again!

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Catriona Kennedy


Cartegena to Santiago

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Catriona Kennedy

Cartegena to Santiago

United Kingdom

Mike and I have cycled from Istanbul to Beijing, Shanghai to Singapore, through India, Cartagena to Santiago and Brazil with TDA and done numerous cycling tours through Europe and across America. This trip through Seoul and Japan sounds fantastic and we're really looking forward to it.

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Sharita van der Merwe


La Paz to Santiago

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Sharita van der Merwe

La Paz to Santiago

South Africa

“The thing I love most about my job is watching the social dynamics unfold.”

For as long as I can remember I’ve been stripping, fixing, and riding bicycles. As well, I knew from a young age I wanted to explore, travel, and see the world—my dream at one time was to fly airplanes. However, it wasn’t long before I realized that flying in a straight line from point A to point B wasn’t for me!

When I left school I had no direction, no idea of where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do, once my dream of flying died. In 2003, I saw a magazine ad of a bunch of cyclists lined up in front of the Giza pyramids and I became hooked on the idea of doing that but I had to choose between taking a four-month cycling trip across Africa or going to Warriors Boot Camp to get educated. I chose Warriors and the programme equipped me for life by giving me a solid foundation. There, I was free to discover and explore who I was and to test physical and mental endurance. Having my attitude and my comfort zone constantly pushed readied me for all sorts of real-world challenges. I stayed at Warriors for three years, then cycled solo across Africa when I was 22 years old. In 2009, I landed the job as TDA’s assistant tour director on the Cairo to Cape Town trip—and the rest is history.

Ever since, Africa has been my baby and my favourite. I’ve worked on other tours—the Silk Route, the Bamboo Road, Ruta Maya, Magical Madagascar—but Africa is my full-time project and has lately included TDA’s complex tour of West Africa.

I’m based in beautiful Cape Town; when I’m not here, I’m scouting, exploring, problem-solving somewhere in the world and revelling in the adventure of being alive.

TDA has taken me to 80 countries and my most incredible off-the-beaten-track expedition was the West Africa scout in 2017, especially Guinea—I’d never been to a place so remote, rough or wild. I fell in love with Africa all over again on that trip. The stories are epic and endless!

There’s never a dull moment with TDA, because you absolutely never know what’s going to happen next.

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Michael Netzsch


La Paz to Ushuaia

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Michael Netzsch

La Paz to Ushuaia


I am happy that I can join another tour with TDA.

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Aloysius Carlay


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Aloysius Carlay

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

This is my fourth TDA tour - did North America, South America, and India. Looking forward to this part of the world and reuniting with some old friends from previous tours. I currently ride with a full carbon moutain bike setup w/ 29 inch wheels and 2.35/2.2 sized tires and a 1x11 setup. It worked really well in South America where there was a good combination of pavement and dirt/gravel roads. Expecting something similar with the Bamboo tour.

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Eriberto Roana


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Eriberto Roana

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Questo è il mio secondo TDA, nel 2010 ho fatto il Coast to Coast Los Angeles-New York, nel 2015 SudAmerican Epic, nel 2017 Il Great Divide, adesso andiamo ad affrontare questa nuova avventura e felice di incontrare alcuni ciclisti del SAE 2015.

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Tim Padmore


Cartegena to Quito

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Tim Padmore

Cartegena to Quito


I am a slightly rusty veteran of three TDA full tours (and of life in general I suppose). Ronda and I will tear ourselves away from three toddler grandchildren and our Gastown condo for a month on a fine new road with a few old friends and more friends to be.

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Ronda Green


Cartegena to Quito

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Ronda Green

Cartegena to Quito


Hi, I am Ronda, one half of Mr. and Ms. 'Slow', Tim being the other half but we totally enjoy watching the world go by at a manageable pace. I have been a potter for forty years. Traveling to different countries gives me an intimate connection with the local culture. Pre-Columbian pottery of South America is amazing, detailing the life style and skill of the indigenous people before the Spanish invasion. Tim and I have traveled with TDA on four of the original excursion. I liken the experience to being a kid at camp: all of the adventure and fun with little of the work or management. Perfect, if we could just find someone to pitch the tents

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Victor Beijen


Lima to Cusco

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Victor Beijen

Lima to Cusco


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Bob Briggs


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Bob Briggs

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

My name is Bob Briggs, 71 year old State of Florida retiree. Since my retirement in 2001. I have completed bike tours in India, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, TDA Africa, Silk Route to Xi'an before crashing and SAE to Lima. Have not done a tour in over a year. I am presently suffering from TDA Global Cycling withdrawal. I've also done numerous less formal long distance tours prior to hooking up with TDA. Went to college in Salzburg, Austria in 1966 but have never done any cycling in Europe. Really looking forward to it!!!!

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Theo de Klein


Lima to Cusco

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Theo de Klein

Lima to Cusco


Theo de Klein from the Netherlands,

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ray harder


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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ray harder

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

i am a 73 year old male from missouri, usa. i have ridden on bike tours across the us, and this will be my fourth out of country. i am glad that we are going north to south as it seems downhill to me... i am looking forward to this trip... email me -- [email protected] if you want to talk... ray

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Klaus Michael Jensen


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Klaus Michael Jensen

I'm 70 years old. I have done Africa-tour and South America Epic.

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Peter Hodges


Quito to Lima

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Peter Hodges

Quito to Lima

New Zealand

Kiwi who enjoys getting out and exploring. (tda veteran)

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Erwin Attenberger


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Erwin Attenberger

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hi, I´m Erwin, already 69, retired. My first long tour was TDA 2014, where I went from Khartoum to Nairobi and on my own through Uganda, back to Kenia and from there down to Southafrica, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique. Meantime I´ve been on several TDA-Tours including South America, Silk Route and Trans-Himalaya. Looking forward to meet you on the next tour with TDA.

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Nicholas Harrison


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Nicholas Harrison

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I live in Perth Western Australia, married to Johanna (Jo) who is also on the Trip. I am reasonably active enjoying outdoor activities, ocean swimming, windsurfing, snowboarding and of course riding. I ride a hard tail mountain bike in preference to a standard road bike even when commuting, makes me work harder chasing guys on road bikes. The longest bike trip I have done was in 2015 when we completed the Epic South America Trip. Since then we have ridden from Manali to Leh through the high mountain passes of Ladakh. Since returning from South America I have competed in several long distance offroad endurance rides and enjoy the physical and mental challenges.

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Johanna Platt


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Johanna Platt

Cartagena to Ushuaia


What have I signed up for!!! I must admit my main sporting passion is ocean swimming, it doesn't sound like there'll be much of that on offer! We, that is myself, & Nick (husband, also on the tour) got a taste for cycle touring on a recent trip to Costa Rica - Challenging, yes, rewarding, absolutely. Not too sure how this long distance cycle touring will go, however, always looking for the next challenge, so will give it my best shot.

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Alex Glisson


Cusco to La Paz

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Alex Glisson

Cusco to La Paz

United Kingdom

I'm 27 and from the U.K. and will be undertaking two stages of the South American Epic 2015; from Lima to Bolivia. This will be my first Tour and am very excited! No idea what I am letting myself in for - but that's all part of the fun right?! Looking forward to meeting everyone :) Bring on South America! p.s. I'm on Facebook - so feel free to get in contact. I've got the same profile picture as i've uploaded to this profile page.

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David Saevitzon


Cartegena to Quito

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David Saevitzon

Cartegena to Quito


Live in Toronto - love being on the bike. Looking forward to the ride. 'Graduate' of TDA 2010 and Doomsday 2012.

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Cartegena to Quito

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Cartegena to Quito


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Laura Martin


Quito to Cusco

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Laura Martin

Quito to Cusco


I'm a retired Forester and who enjoys getting outside and being active. I'm not a speedy cyclist but do try to finish the day. What better way to see a new country than from a cycle seat. This will be my second tour with TDA.

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Greg Field


Quito to Cusco

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Greg Field

Quito to Cusco


Retired Electrical Engineer, living in Nanoose Bay, BC Longer cycle trips include across Canada (2008) & New Zealand (2011) Toured & hiked Chile & Argentina in 2014 Quito to Cusco leg of SA Epic 2015 Pub Ride in 2018

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Marius Kiefer


Quito to Ushuaia

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Marius Kiefer

Quito to Ushuaia


After 10 years of working I am looking forward to a well deserved Sabbatical and this amazing trip through Southamerica. Cant wait! : ) Marius

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Cartegena to Quito

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Cartegena to Quito

United Kingdom

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jos malherbe


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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jos malherbe

Cartagena to Ushuaia

South Africa

This will be my 5th tda trip. So i must be addicted to tuna sandwiches and camping, especially bush camps. See you all in Cartagena. Please support the charity i will be raising funds for. Visit

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Per Sörner


Quito to Cusco

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Per Sörner

Quito to Cusco


Freelance engineer, musician and reality hacker from the Swedish west coast. Currently on an indefinite sabbatical to explore life more fully. I find expedition cycling a good way to practice living in the present, enjoy the "simple" downsized life, see the world, fill up with new impressions and stretch the edge of my comfort zone. Previous TdA experience: Hong Kong to Bangkok (Bamboo Road premiere 2013), Bali to Alice Springs (Trans-Oceania premiere 2014), Quito to Cusco (SAE 2015), Ulan Bator to Gorno-Altaysk (Silk Route 2016), Freetown to Cape Coast (West Africa en Vélo premiere 2018) and Kashmir to Kathmandu (Trans Himalaya premiere 2019). Now preparing for Journey to the East (2024).

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Annegrete Warrer


Quito to Puerto Montt

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Annegrete Warrer

Quito to Puerto Montt


Hi everybody, I am from Denmark and 59 years old. Until my India adventure in 2011 I did not know a lot about cycling - but after about 3.400 k I kind of catched a bit up on it.. I live in St. Anton, Austria where I live out my passion for skiing. I also began my "cycling career" here - on mountain bike. Last autumn after doing Rome with TDA I went to south of Italy and bought a racing bike. I am about to pick it up now and plan to do some training on it and my mountain bike here in St. Anton. Spent all summer in Denmark and did not bike (did some sailing). I used to own a travel company specialized in ski holidays but since the last 6-8 years I started to do some free lance writing as a journalist and also do some studying in that field. I look very much forward to meet old and new friends in Asia (Hongkong to Penang) - and hope that the chinese traffic is not going to be too tough.. Cheers, Annegrete

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Irin Zschokke


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Irin Zschokke

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hi everyone, I'm gonna be your medic for the tour. I first heard about Tour d'Afrique 3 years ago, when one of my colleagues asked me, if I would join her for the TdA 2013. Yes I did, and I loved it. I then got to know this kind of traveling as a participant. I now can't wait to be on the "other" side and support you guys to make your South American Epic as fantastic the TdA was for me. Looking forward to meeting all of you. Cheers, Irin

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Grant Prenevost


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Grant Prenevost

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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chris hectors


Cartegena to Lima

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chris hectors

Cartegena to Lima


biking to see the world is my favourite way of traveling i live in ghent, an old medieval and beautiful city in the northern flemish part of belgium look forward to meet the team and to bike through latin america

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Quito to Lima

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Quito to Lima


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Linda Wille


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Linda Wille

Santiago to Ushuaia


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Tom Jurenka


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Tom Jurenka

Santiago to Ushuaia


Long time road-tourer, mostly in BC.

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Jessica Wolf


Cartegena to Bogota

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Jessica Wolf

Cartegena to Bogota

United States

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Mark Heim


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mark Heim

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

I was fortunate to retire early several years ago and since then I enjoy spending my free time staying fit and active. I've done multiple other long distance bike tours including a ride across the US then up to Alaska, TDA's Transeuropa, South American Epic, the Silk Route, and part of Africa, and the first half of the North American Epic. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with old friends and meeting new people.

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Britten Ferguson


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Britten Ferguson

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

Four years ago, I sold what I could and gave everything else away before hopping on a 1-way flight to Central America to work for Outward Bound. Captivated by a sense of adventure and the unique complexities of living abroad, I started mountain biking all over Costa Rica which serendipitously led to a job guiding cycling trips throughout the isthmus, logging thousands of miles fueled by rice, beans, and my beloved plantains. Since then, I've also spent significant time working and traveling through South America as an educational instructor, leading students on rugged trekking-intensive courses. I recently started Revolución, a small bike travel business, as a way of combining my passions for traveling by bike, Latin American history, and community building. An eternally optimistic Washington State native, I love a good story and scheming for the next adventure over a cold beer.

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Catherine Hanauer


Quito to Ushuaia

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Catherine Hanauer

Quito to Ushuaia

South Africa

Bicycle and adventure enthusiast. This has been on the bucket list for far too long

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Maxime Dionne


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Maxime Dionne

Cartagena to Ushuaia


"Travelling, moving, waking up every day in a new place means I have a thousand memories of different homes all around the world."

I used to work in an office developing softwares in Quebec City and one day I decided to quit that lifestyle. Being able to take only a trip or two per year wasn’t enough anymore—I needed to travel full time. In 2013, I bought a bicycle (that's right, I only had one from Canadian Tire at the time, but I quickly concluded a Surly LHT would better fit my needs) and went on my first bike tour, solo, starting from home and riding through Canada, the US, and Haiti. A year later, I was in Vancouver looking for a job and someone told me about TDA and their recruitment ad for Australia. I applied, bought an airline ticket to meet TDA in Adelaide, and the following month I was enjoying my new outdoor office from the saddle of my bike!

An incredible country I've cycled through is Haiti. The scenery is stunning and every 100 kilometres is an adventure, but best of all is the local folklore. I have many stories about this mysterious country and one of my favourites is about the werewolf living on the island. The Haitian werewolf is a shape-shifter able to impersonate any animal. It transforms at night—any night, even if there's no moon—and is always looking to feast on human flesh. The only way to avoid an assured death at this creature’s hands is to sleep in a house with a roof. I like to bush camp while cycling and Haiti was no different. I would sleep out in my sleeping bag in the mountains or on the beach, sometimes in my tent, sometimes under the stars. Every night the locals would warn me about the werewolf, genuinely worried I’d be eaten as I slept. Some invited me into their homes, and once a group of five friends volunteer to check on me every hour of the night. People were surprised every morning I woke up alive and some started to believe the werewolf didn't have an appetite for strangers.

There are a few reasons I like to travel so much: for one thing, I always want to have new adventures and face new challenges. And I love discovering new things—food, stories, places, people, cultures … you name it! With TDA, any and everything can happen—we’re constantly exploring the globe and we introduce fresh tours every year. As you can imagine, scouting and leading tours fulfill my desire for the new to perfection.

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Ushuaia


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Alejandro Rico


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Alejandro Rico

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hello I am Alejandro Rico and I will be your mechanic during the Tour. I'm Colombian I am excited to participate in the tour and help during this incredible journey. I am 29 years old and since I got my first bike at 8 years old I never stopped riding. We did the Scout of Colombia with Cristiano our tour leader and I can say that the route through my country Colombia is totally amazing; a journey that will like books of the Colombian Nobel of literature Gabriel Garcia Marquez a journey of magic realism. I live in Bogota capital of Colombia. I hope to help all you can so I can contact my personal email :[email protected] See you in July.

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Adrian Wood


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Adrian Wood

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hi, My name is Adrian and I will be working on the 2015 Tour D'Afrique. I couldn't be more excited. I will have just finished my final year at university and couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than meeting new people who share a common passion.

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Ushuaia

United States

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Michele Kline


Lima to Cusco

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Michele Kline

Lima to Cusco


My Husband Anthony (Tony) and I, are from Hobart in Tasmania...we went on our first TDA tour in 2014 from Lima to Cuzco part of the South African Epic our second tour was NZ from Auckland to Queenstown 2015 and a lap around our state Tasmania in 2022 both were part of the Trans Oceania. We have completed 3 full tours the Pub Ride 2017, Viva Italia 2020 and The Orient Express in 2022. We are looking forward to Morocco!

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Anthony kline


Lima to Cusco

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Anthony kline

Lima to Cusco


54yrs old small business owner building concreting landscaping. Enjoy adventure activities, have walked everest base camp and kilimanjaro successfully. Been a keen cyclist for several years, in 2015 Michele and did our first TDA trip from Lima to Cusco. Last year we completed Auckland to Queenstown and now looking forward to the Pub ride.

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Quito to La Paz

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Quito to La Paz

United Kingdom

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Jodi Scott


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jodi Scott

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hi I'm Jodi and I'll be the medic on tour

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United States

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Peter Sennhauser


Lima to Cusco

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Peter Sennhauser

Lima to Cusco

United States

Well, my son Britten will be working for TDA from tip to tip on this South American Epic, so it'll be his chance to take care of me rather than the other way around. He's been all over Central and S. America and this will be the first time I'm able to join him on one of his adventures. As a former Seattle bike messenger/bike dork I know bikes. The section I'm doing in the Andes from Lima to Cusco (and beyond) should go a long way toward telling me a little bit more about myself. Midlife crisis? Spiritual journey? Both? My wife signed off on this cage-rattling excursion and pushed me in this direction. Now it's time to push in a new direction - up, up, up to Cusco!

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La Paz to Ushuaia

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La Paz to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

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Will Hill


Lima to Ushuaia

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Will Hill

Lima to Ushuaia


Back for round 3! Excited to be joining the flagship TDA tour. I will be your Assistant Tour Director. Looking forward to meeting you all. Cheers!

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Sue Shuttleworth


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Sue Shuttleworth

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Aged 60, retired veterinary surgeon. Married and live in Lancashire, UK. Cycled Africa 2015, South American Epic 2015 and Trans Oceania 2016 plus various long distance cycle camping epics in the past with my husband. In 2015 Nairobi to Arusha took us 2 days to cycle. Really happy that I'll get to cycle Nairobi to Arusha now via Uganda and Rwanda. Looking forward to seeing the gorillas, and revisiting Serengeti and Ngorongoro. Also catching up with friends from previous tours.

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


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Mark Lutz


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mark Lutz

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

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Luiz Morais


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Luiz Morais

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hello, my name is Luiz Morais, I'm from Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais - Brazil, land of mountains, water, historic towns and called as the California of mountain biking by the local cyclists. I'm a graphic designer and rider since childhood starting with BMX. Nowadays i'm a cross country mountain biker and practitioner of enduro and downhill beyond cycletours. I have a small support local business to cycling called Magrela's (Skinny's Bicycles) and I've been preparing over the years to work in this area with first aid courses, guide, bicycle mechanic and in this tour i will work as a professional driver and sweep rider among other common functions. We are ready!

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Cusco to Salta

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Cusco to Salta

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Jean Bernier


Cusco to Santiago

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Jean Bernier

Cusco to Santiago


Hi, my name is Jean. I grew up in the beautiful town of Québec city. I have been very active since my young age. Physical education teacher for 32 years; now retired. That's my second experience with the Tour d'Afrique: In 2011, I participated in the four months challenging T.D.A.: very proud of my E.F.I. (evrey f... inches) Countries visited on bike: Canada: coast to coast. Vancouver to Inuvik ( Arctic: on the Dempster highway.) Africa: Cairo to Cape Town. India. See you all.

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartegena to Bogota

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Cartegena to Bogota

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Dirk Pater


Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Dirk Pater

Santiago to Puerto Montt


My name is Dirk Pater, and I am 61 years old. I'm married to Nellie and we have four children, three daughters and one son. Their names are Dicky, Hans, Rosa & Anne. I grow vegetables by profession. Together with my family and work, excercising is also very important to me. I've been training all my life. When it comes to sport or something that is connected with competition, I'm very fanatical and enthousiastic. Though, in daily life, I'm a calm person. I see the Tour D'Afrique as the ultimate challenge and I hope that I will have lots of fun.

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Nellie Pater


Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Nellie Pater

Santiago to Puerto Montt


Hi, my name is Nellie, I am 57 years jong

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Pa Dawson


Cusco to Santiago

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Pa Dawson

Cusco to Santiago

United States

Born in Laos, raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and currently living and working in Hong Kong. Can't wait to see more of the world on two wheels!

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Guillaume Blanchet


La Paz to Salta

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Guillaume Blanchet

La Paz to Salta


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Byron Trajan


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Byron Trajan

Santiago to Ushuaia


Swim coach, beginner adventurer

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Irena Kharazova


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Irena Kharazova

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

Russian Federation

Coming to cycle just short part of the trip from Ethiopia to Kenia

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Tom Callahan


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Tom Callahan

Santiago to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Taking a break from a hectic consulting job in Hong Kong. What better way to spend a sabbatical than cycling a continent?! Love cycling but don't get much chance in Hong Kong. There's no better way to see a country though. Looking forward to hitting the road!

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Brett Lanham


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Brett Lanham

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I’m an ex seafarer, retired now for 12 years, fortunate enough to have been able to get away on a bike tour with TdA every year since 2011, until 2020 that was! Last ride was Morocco, Kingdom of the West, in 2024. I look forward to catching up with friends from past rides, meeting new ones, and sharing this great adventure with a beer, or two.

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Brian Hoeniger


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Brian Hoeniger

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


There are few experiences in life that compare to riding my bike through beautiful landscapes in faraway lands. Beyond working for TDA as Accountant and Tour Support, I've been a client 7 times now. All these journeys have had their magical moments. Spinning through Iran - pinch me, I'm dreaming!, across Turkey - where east meets west, down Chile's remote Carretera Austral, and into the canyonlands of the American southwest, to name a few. Completing the Tour d'Afrique is another. And of course, meeting our amazing clients from around the world and the "salt of the earth" local people along the way. I rode Hanoi to Bangkok 2 years ago and now its time to carry on down the Malay peninsula from Bangkok to Singapore. See you in November!

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Daniel Frye


Cartegena to Santiago

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Daniel Frye

Cartegena to Santiago

United States

Hello, I'm a retired oceanographer and I've taken up cycle touring as a replacement for running and backpacking, which I'm no longer able to do. My wife and I have done several previous trips with TDA (Orient Express, TransOceania 2014, the South American Epic, and Tour d'Afrique, among others) and we're looking forward to another interesting and challenging experience this year in Australia and New Zealand. Looking forward to meeting all the riders and seeing old friends.

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Fred Promoli


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Fred Promoli

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Occupation: retired Physical Education and Outdoor Education teacher; former naval officer; Hometown: Guelph, Ontario Current residence: Collingwood, Ontario Former provinces of residence: all but Nfld, NB, PEI TdA experience: Tour d'Afrique 2003; Orient Express 2008; Silk Route 2008; Bamboo Road 2013; Australia 2014; South America 2015, 2017; Lake Winnipeg 2016; (America by Bicycle northern route 2016); Trans Himalaya 2019 Current activities: cycling, motorcycle touring, golf, canoe tripping, xc skiing; bagpipe band member

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Jacqueline Goodall


Quito to Lima

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Jacqueline Goodall

Quito to Lima


Cant wait to hit the road for another TDA Tour! Looking forward to seeing some old touring buddies and meeting some new ones. Wish I was joining you for the full tour, but feel very lucky to be able to get away from work for three sections.

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Jacqueline Nel


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jacqueline Nel

Cartagena to Ushuaia

South Africa

"It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle." Ernest Hemingway

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Marina Krilova


Lima to Santiago

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Marina Krilova

Lima to Santiago


Having got to explore Alaska, Yukon down to Banff with the tour I knew I was hooked for life. People and places you get to meet, experiences you get to share change you. It was only a question of time before I cleared my schedule and packed the infamous duffles to hit the road! Can't wait to see some old friends and make new ones! Xoxo

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Michael Kennedy


Quito to Santiago

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Michael Kennedy

Quito to Santiago

United Kingdom

This is my 8th TDA tour starting with the first TDA I have also done the first Silk Route, Bamboo Road, South American Epic, Carnival Cycling Expedition and Trans Himalaya as well as the second India Adventure/Hippy trail. I have also cycled across the US twice, Europe, eastern Australia and South America as well as numerous shorter tours around America, Europe and North Africa.

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Nelson Lacharity


Cartegena to Santiago

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Nelson Lacharity

Cartegena to Santiago


I am from Vancouver, BC, retired June of 2012. I discovered bicycling when I was 42 and long distance cycling when I was 59, so I had to retire to make time for the touring. I have been on six other TDA tours (Amber Route 2010, Bamboo 2013, and South American 2015, TransEuropa 1016, Tour d'Afrique 2017, Silk Route 2018 and North American Epic 2019) as well as several other long distance rides. For me cycling is mostly about the bike, but the chance to see new places and new cultures is right up there, along with one of the biggest pleasures, which is the people - meeting new ones and meeting up with ones from previous rides.

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Cartegena to Quito

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Cartegena to Quito


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Phil Kissel


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Phil Kissel

Cartagena to Ushuaia

New Zealand

Have done Cairo to Capetown 2013, Registered nurse keen for cultural and cycling challenge

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Shirley Frye


Cartegena to Santiago

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Shirley Frye

Cartegena to Santiago

United States

Have enjoyed many TDA trips and hope to do many many more. After health issues and Covid, back on the road again. Slower for sure but so looking forward to a part of the world I've never been but hear so many great things about.

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Svend Paulsen


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Svend Paulsen

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Hi Since I retired from Teaching 11 years ago I have had the opportunity to travel with TDA . This will be my 9th trip. I enjoy meeting new travelers as well as reuniting with old friends . Together we see and experience the incredible wonders of the world first hand and up close . I look forward to seeing all of you on the trans oceania

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Chris Wille


Cartagena to Ushuaia

Bob Whitehead


Cartagena to Ushuaia

Kaye Hudson


Cartagena to Ushuaia

Jason Becker


Cartagena to Ushuaia

John Stowe


Cartagena to Ushuaia






Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United States

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Tom Bell


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Tom Bell

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Celebrated turning 65 by riding South American Epic. Loved the experience. I was warned these trips become addictive and was home for only 2 weeks before signing up for Africa epic which was also extrodinary. Felt a real contentment during these trips.

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Cusco to Puerto Montt

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Cusco to Puerto Montt


I have the wanderlust. What better way to do it than by bike? I have traveled extensively and recently did the SAE and Silk Route. What fun and challenging trips. I am hitting that sweet spot in age when the time, energy and desire are there to challenge myself to new adventures. I look forward to sharing this challenging experience with my fellow adventurers.

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Mike Jakeman


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mike Jakeman

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Bike and's a retirement thing.

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Kim Wright


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Kim Wright

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Andy Sorensen


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Andy Sorensen

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United States

Discovering recumbent bicycles 15 years ago has turned a hobby into a bit of an obsession. I like to ride on pavement, dirt, and even snow. Whether pulling a trailer to/from the grocery store or riding from Paris to Brest and back, I'm happiest when pedaling.

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Angus Mitchell


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Angus Mitchell

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Barb Sweeney


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Barb Sweeney

Cartagena to Ushuaia


It's time to explore some more of the world on my bike.

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Bronwyn Kelly


Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Bronwyn Kelly

Santiago to Puerto Montt


Each year I seem to find some new ride to do that is harder than the last. This section will be twice as long last year's cycling trip.

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Emily Currie


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Emily Currie

Cartagena to Ushuaia

South Africa

“‘Happiness is only real when shared’: I think this counts for a whole spectrum of experiences and emotions—pain, hardship, excitement, joy, for instance—and explains why sharing an adventure or journey with a group makes it so very real!”

Who would have thought that growing up on a farm and a career in rural healthcare would prepare me for a job like my job at TDA? I always had the desire to travel and even though I thought working here would be too good to actually come true when I sent in my job application, here I am, six tours and 28 countries later. I’ve learned more about the world and myself then I ever expected.

With so many incredible memories—and so much food shared, so many friends made along the way—it will take me years to process everything I’ve experienced courtesy of TDA. Highlights of my travels so far include finishing the North American Epic (NAE) in Mexico City on the Day of the Dead, cycling Central Asia’s Pamir Highway, Abdul’s pilaf in the parking lot, Colombia, pan con chicharron, Patagonia, a massive thunder storm in Zambia, Hami melon, Madagascar, Samarkand, walnut and honey spread on fresh bread and topped with whipped yak cream, eaten in a warm yurt… and the list goes on! It’s amazing to realize that everything I experience with TDA will have an impact on my life long after these adventures are over.

One adventure I don’t expect to have again is the one I had in Mexico, when we discovered Hurricane Patricia was heading right straight at us. Monitoring the storm’s progress through the night—from stage 4 to stage 5—seemed so unreal. By 5:00 a.m., CNN was calling Patricia the strongest hurricane ever measured on planet earth. A few hours later, we loaded all bikes, riders, kit and crew onto an extra van and bus … and took off, tails between our legs, because Patricia was shaping up to be a beast! By nightfall we were safe and sound in the heart of tequila country, and, as Patricia lost most of her fury at landfall, the party at our lodgings ramped up.

There are so many wonderful aspects to working with TDA but key amongst them are travelling with purpose, meeting people from all over—and the food!

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Jacob Warner


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jacob Warner

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Hi everyone, I will be helping out on the tour and occasionally riding a bike too. See you in Cartagena!

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Thomas Burgess


Cartagena to Bogota

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Thomas Burgess

Cartagena to Bogota

United States

I am a school principal in California and am riding the first leg from Cartegena to Bogota on my July holiday. I wish I could do the whole ride! I've been training in the Santa Cruz mountains so am hoping to get up and over the mountains in Columbia in a reasonable fashion.

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James (Jim) Raddatz


Salta to Puerto Montt

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James (Jim) Raddatz

Salta to Puerto Montt


Old and slow.

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Bruce Nation


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Bruce Nation

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

I have a hard time saying no to ridiculously long adventures.

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Rebecca Nation


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Rebecca Nation

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

I am two time Ironman finisher, avid mountain biker and backpacker. I just finished the South American Epic this past year. I'm excited for this next adventure and have been training hard with a few IPA's post ride to recover properly

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Dean Murray


Salta to Ushuaia

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Dean Murray

Salta to Ushuaia

United States

Retired from engineering in 2015 and have been doing cycling and hiking trips since, including Newfoundland, Ruta Maya, Australia, Pub Ride, West Africa and Great Divide. Cycling trips with camping are my favorite times.

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Michael Pope


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Michael Pope

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

I am a bicycle mechanic, lover of outdoor adventure, music, cycling, poker and anime. I currently live in Boulder, Colorado. I fell in love with road cycling in 2011 in the mountains of North Carolina and continue to love it to this day. My affection for cycling grew on me, gradually, over the course of several years. From commuting to riding 20 miles, 40 miles, 60 miles. Twice I rode from my house to college and back 115 miles both ways. Eventually, in 2014 I rode 4000 miles across the country with Bike&Build. Since then I have dreamed of long solo-tours through foreign countries. Until then, I will travel as a bicycle mechanic!

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Cartagena to Santiago

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Cartagena to Santiago


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Yanez Novoa


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Yanez Novoa

Cartagena to Ushuaia

South Africa

Oh to be on the road again. I am still suffering from a bit of cabin fever from the last few years and am excited to join you all in Buenos Aires.

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David Boggeman


Lima to La Paz

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David Boggeman

Lima to La Paz

United States

Lifelong cyclist, over 150000 miles. Self supported tours in 30 states. Retired Chemist Montana State University.

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Niek Padt


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Niek Padt

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I'm looking forward to complete the last sections of the South America trip that I haven't done yet!

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Mark Young


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mark Young

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Hello, my names Mark and a Paramedic from England! I'll look forward to meeting you all and helping you in this amazing adventure! See you soon!!

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Caragh Rellis


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Caragh Rellis

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


Hi, This is my first international cycle tour, although I'm a regular road cyclist and have done quite a few one day sportives and some multi-day tours around Ireland and New Zealand where I currently live.

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Mario Posada


Cartagena to Bogota

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Mario Posada

Cartagena to Bogota


I am a salesperson for a big biotech company in San Diego, where I cover the Latin America market. I am Colombian by birth and American by choice, but Brazilian in my soul.

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Karen Mitchell


Lima to Ushuaia

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Karen Mitchell

Lima to Ushuaia


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Lima to La Paz

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Lima to La Paz

United States

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Lima to Cusco

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Lima to Cusco

United States

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Amy Jurries


La Paz to Salta

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Amy Jurries

La Paz to Salta

United States

I'm a freelance outdoor and adventure travel writer based in San Francisco. I absolutely love exploring new places on a bike -- there is no better way to travel!

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Robert Hooper


Cusco to La Paz

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Robert Hooper

Cusco to La Paz

United States

Life long athlete who has really got involved with cycling recently. Taking this opportunity to meet up with some family on this trip.

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Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Shanny Hill


La Paz to Salta

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Shanny Hill

La Paz to Salta


“I’ve been fortunate to travel all over the world. I learn so much each time I travel and with each new project and new tour we launch.”

I first found a TDA brochure when I was a sales manager at Duke's Cycle in Toronto. I met Henry and convinced him to give me a job in the office. That was over a decade ago now.

My love of all things bicycle started when I was in high school: I lived in the country and my friends were six kilometres away, in town. A bike was the easiest way to meet up with them on weekends. This started my interest in cycle touring and I did my first big trip at age 17 with some friends—a month of biking around Lake Erie, covering 3,400 kilometres from our hometown Kirkland Lake, in Northern Ontario.

Some of my favourite TDA travel memories are from Kyrgyzstan. Also Ethiopia, as well as France. And of course can't forget Namibia, and Ireland, and, well...

I love to travel and I feel very fortunate to have had an eclectic mix of travel experiences. Whether it’s trying fermented mare's milk in a yurt in Kyrgyzstan, eating “spagbol” prepared by our talented tour chefs after a long day of riding, sipping strong espresso in Venice, or sitting street-side for lunch in Paris, my travels always have food at their centre. Food and cycling—the combination can't be beat!

Working with TDA is all about variety—food, cycling, challenge, problem-solving, meeting people from all over the world, getting a glimpse into the way others live elsewhere and gaining knowledge from them, and learning to be humble.

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Don Colpitts


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Don Colpitts

Cartagena to Ushuaia


The vendors setting up their market stalls in the early morning light, the children joining friends for the walk to school, scooters carrying entire families through busy intersections: the start of another day, in this town, right now, right here, where I am in the midst of the intimate fleeting dance called life. Some make references to "real-life" back at home, call this journey "once-in-a-lifetime", speak of a destination as a finish line. I reject all such attempts to constrain these experiences of exploring the world's peoples, cultures, geographies, religions, customs, daily rhythms of life, as merely attempts to stay sheltered in what is familiar, to be put it in a box to be forgotten. Instead, these journeys are life-changing: challenging what we think we know, can do, can feel, and need.

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Maxime Dionne


Salta to Ushuaia

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Maxime Dionne

Salta to Ushuaia


"Travelling, moving, waking up every day in a new place means I have a thousand memories of different homes all around the world."

I used to work in an office developing softwares in Quebec City and one day I decided to quit that lifestyle. Being able to take only a trip or two per year wasn’t enough anymore—I needed to travel full time. In 2013, I bought a bicycle (that's right, I only had one from Canadian Tire at the time, but I quickly concluded a Surly LHT would better fit my needs) and went on my first bike tour, solo, starting from home and riding through Canada, the US, and Haiti. A year later, I was in Vancouver looking for a job and someone told me about TDA and their recruitment ad for Australia. I applied, bought an airline ticket to meet TDA in Adelaide, and the following month I was enjoying my new outdoor office from the saddle of my bike!

An incredible country I've cycled through is Haiti. The scenery is stunning and every 100 kilometres is an adventure, but best of all is the local folklore. I have many stories about this mysterious country and one of my favourites is about the werewolf living on the island. The Haitian werewolf is a shape-shifter able to impersonate any animal. It transforms at night—any night, even if there's no moon—and is always looking to feast on human flesh. The only way to avoid an assured death at this creature’s hands is to sleep in a house with a roof. I like to bush camp while cycling and Haiti was no different. I would sleep out in my sleeping bag in the mountains or on the beach, sometimes in my tent, sometimes under the stars. Every night the locals would warn me about the werewolf, genuinely worried I’d be eaten as I slept. Some invited me into their homes, and once a group of five friends volunteer to check on me every hour of the night. People were surprised every morning I woke up alive and some started to believe the werewolf didn't have an appetite for strangers.

There are a few reasons I like to travel so much: for one thing, I always want to have new adventures and face new challenges. And I love discovering new things—food, stories, places, people, cultures … you name it! With TDA, any and everything can happen—we’re constantly exploring the globe and we introduce fresh tours every year. As you can imagine, scouting and leading tours fulfill my desire for the new to perfection.

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Susan Ecenia


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Susan Ecenia

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United States

I am about to turn 60 so it's time to go on another bike ride. I rode across the U.S. about five years ago with a tour set up very similar to yours- they carried my gear and provided the meals; I was given a cue sheet in the morning and off I went. I visited Patagonia two years ago and still think of it's beauty often so this seems a perfect fit for me. I am a painter and I listen to the podcast Dirt Bag Diaries while I paint; their motto is Get out and Chase Your Passion- Be relentless and Never Give up. This podcast gave me the courage to sign up for this wonderful adventure.

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Mark Heim


Salta to Ushuaia

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Mark Heim

Salta to Ushuaia

United States

I was fortunate to retire early several years ago and since then I enjoy spending my free time staying fit and active. I've done multiple other long distance bike tours including a ride across the US then up to Alaska, TDA's Transeuropa, South American Epic, the Silk Route, and part of Africa, and the first half of the North American Epic. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with old friends and meeting new people.

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Salta to Ushuaia

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Salta to Ushuaia


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Salta to Ushuaia

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Salta to Ushuaia


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Dan Squires


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Dan Squires

Santiago to Ushuaia


Having sampled TDA and the first three sections of the North American Epic I could not resist book ending it with the last 2 sections of the South American Epic. Look forward to seeing the crew again and meeting everyone else.

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Wayne Brown


Cusco to La Paz

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Wayne Brown

Cusco to La Paz

United States

I Love to cycle, and I love to travel. I have had a great time as a sectional rider in Peru, Bolivia, and New Zealand. I have always wanted to experience Greece and can’t think of a better way to do it than on a bike.

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Charles Feaver


Salta to Puerto Montt

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Charles Feaver

Salta to Puerto Montt


My first TDA ride was India in 2012. Loved it. Bamboo Road in 2013. Awesome. Ruta Maya 2015. Oceania 2016. South America 2017. Looking forward to going back to Central America.

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Fred Promoli


Lima to Santiago

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Fred Promoli

Lima to Santiago


Occupation: retired Physical Education and Outdoor Education teacher; former naval officer; Hometown: Guelph, Ontario Current residence: Collingwood, Ontario Former provinces of residence: all but Nfld, NB, PEI TdA experience: Tour d'Afrique 2003; Orient Express 2008; Silk Route 2008; Bamboo Road 2013; Australia 2014; South America 2015, 2017; Lake Winnipeg 2016; (America by Bicycle northern route 2016); Trans Himalaya 2019 Current activities: cycling, motorcycle touring, golf, canoe tripping, xc skiing; bagpipe band member

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Lloyd Strong


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Lloyd Strong

Cartagena to Ushuaia


HI, I'm looking forward to this adventure and meeting everyone. And renewing some old friendships as well. Never been to the Northwest territories and can't wait to experience all it's charms.

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La Paz to Puerto Montt

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La Paz to Puerto Montt


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Cartagena to Ushuaia



Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

Tom Bell


Cartagena to Ushuaia



Cusco to Puerto Montt

Mike Jakeman


Cartagena to Ushuaia




Samuel Roy

Tour Leader Trainee

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Samuel Roy

Tour Leader Trainee
Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


I see bike touring as an opportunity to slow down and bring yourself back to the essential things in life. Food, water, shelter, love, connection, space in your heart, space in your mind, movement, exploration. I believe that travelling by bike is the best way to discover our beautiful planet because of the pace of travel. It's fast enough to cover ground and cross continents, as we do with TDA, but it's slow enough to be able to truly soak in the destination you're in and everything that comes with it. The vulnerability of being alone on a bike, dressed up in bright lycra in the middle of nowhere makes you approachable and sparks curiousness and interest in the locals you meet on the road. As a tour leader with TDA, I am grateful to have the opportunity to facilitate these experiences, moments and connections.

I'm originally from Montreal in Canada where I studied business and tourism, but I have recently moved to Barcelona where cycling is unreal, even over the winter months. For the past few years, my career has been a collection of different projects and opportunities such as working as a TV host back home in Quebec, guiding with TDA and other outdoors companies as well as running my own vanlife conversion business. I've always loved getting around on two wheels, for some years, my focus was to go as fast as I could while I raced Ironman triathlons as a semi-pro. Nowadays, I still enjoy riding my bike, but a little slower, and looking around much more.

My best memory on tour is without a doubt when both my parents joined the 2019 Tour d'Afrique as riders to cycle the last two sections of the tour, from Vic Falls to Cape Town. It was such a precious privilege to be on sweep duty and get to ride with both of them through the namibian dunes.

As a tip for future participants, I think the best mindset to come onto a tour with is one of gratitude. We are all so privileged, both staff and riders, to be on these trips that being grateful for this life we get to live is an attitude we must cultivate.

See you on the road!

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Ryan Rice

Bike Mechanic

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Ryan Rice

Bike Mechanic
Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

Is there a more challenging, charming, or humbling way to travel the World and discover it’s people and treasures? If there is, I haven’t come across it yet, and perhaps I wish not to. I have been a bicycle mechanic for over ten years and it has led me towards new adventures and friendships. Here’s to clean and lubed chains, straight wheels, and a comfy saddle! See you on the next adventure!

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Harrison Banks


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Harrison Banks

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

I'm a Emergency Medicine doctor based in Manchester UK! I have always been passionate about the outdoors and am a keen fell runner (with my dog, Floki), climber and cyclist. My passion for the outdoors has fueled a desire to work in the extreme environment and I have completed a MSc in Global health, focusing on neglected tropical diseases, and diploma in Expedition Medicine. Since then I have been splitting time between the ER and event/expedition medicine, mostly working on multi-day ultra marathons and long-distance bike rides. Patagonia has been a dream destination of mine for many years so I am extremely honored and excited to be coming along as tour medic!

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Juan Farias


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Juan Farias

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


Born and bred in Buenos Aires, I am a History teacher and traveller. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and have the privilege to share this experience in our beautiful continent. Nos vemos en unas semanas!

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Yanez Novoa

Tour Leader

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Yanez Novoa

Tour Leader
Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

South Africa

Oh to be on the road again. I am still suffering from a bit of cabin fever from the last few years and am excited to join you all in Buenos Aires.

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Nicholas Coe

Content Creator

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Nicholas Coe

Content Creator
Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

A photographer that plays outside all year round. From Vermont, and now split time between there and Colorado. Excited to work with TDA for a 3rd expedition!

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Mark Lutz


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Mark Lutz

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

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Felice de Schutter

Tour Leader Trainee

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Felice de Schutter

Tour Leader Trainee
Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


Hitchhiking through Argentina and Chile 6 years ago first inspired me to travel by bike. Meeting so many long-distance cyclists and listening to their stories I just couldn't help it but buy a bike for my own adventures. And once you start travelling by bike, you can never go back. The freedom it gives you, not having to wait for a bus but just hop on the bike, the perfect pace at which you move through the environment, fast enough to cover some distance, but slow enough to see everything, interacting with the locals whenever you like, occasionally stopping for delicious local meals, and in the evening, finding the most beautiful campspot for setting up the tent, it's unique. Not to forget just feeling good moving in the fresh air all day. Since I fell in love with bikepacking, I spend a couple of months every year on self-supported bikepacking trips. The Alps, Eastern Europe, Dolomites, Italy, and most recently I spent 6 months cycling all the way through Mexico from North to South. Before I started working with TDA, I guided MTB tours crossing the Alps, and, combining my degree in Psychology with my passion for the outdoors, I took troubled kids for month-long hiking trips through the German forests. I am convinced that being outside in nature, especially in combination with sports is the best way to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Being confronted with and testing and overcoming your own limits each day inevitably leads you to become stronger. Share this experience with a like-minded, adventurous community like you meet with TDA, and the positive outcomes double. I'm super excited for this next trip and curious to meet everyone! Hasta luego!

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Janet Briggs


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Janet Briggs

Santiago to Ushuaia

United States

I am a retired educator living in the Black Hills of South Dakota in the United States. I love to spend time outdoors either biking or hiking, especially in the National Forest nearby. I completed the Southern Tier Tour across the southern United States this spring, which is the longest tour I've ridden on. I've ridden in quite a few of the states in the US and in two provinces in Canada. I am looking forward to riding in South America and experiencing the culture as well as the beautiful scenery.

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Kenny Summers


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Kenny Summers

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

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Brenda Trenholme


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Brenda Trenholme

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


I have a passion for most outdoor sports, especially in the mountains. As a TDA veteran, I’m looking forward to exploring SA with old cycling friends and staff and meeting new ones. By giving slideshows of my cycling adventures, I fundraise for a Canadian charity called the Kenya Education Endowment Fund.

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Gary Hoffman


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Gary Hoffman

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United States

A retired guy from Washington DC who really enjoys biking and meeting new people on these TDA trips.

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Herman Sans


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Herman Sans

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


A busy year. Fist we want to do the South Korea Japan tour and later this year italia. As long we feel strong enough to do this kind of tours we want to do this. It is very nice to see the world from your bike .

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Ada Sans


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Ada Sans

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


Together with my husband herman I did several tours through Europe. Last year we did together cross America. It was a new experience for us cycling lonely roads . But we had a very nice group and looking back we are homesick of making such a tour. Because my husband has his 65 years birthday a diside to give him this present. We hope to see a lot of nice nature and animals. Off course we also looking forward to meet the group and have lots of fun together.

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Tom Green


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Tom Green

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

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Hugh Green


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Hugh Green

Santiago to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

26- Mechanical Engineer Pirelli - Ready for another TDA Adventure...

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Rod Pennington


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Rod Pennington

Santiago to Ushuaia


Hi there fellow adventure travellers....let's go!

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Richard Schingler


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Richard Schingler

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

I love to travel and see the world from the seat of a bicycle. This will be my fifth tour with TDA.

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Edward Malden


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Edward Malden

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Normal ( at least I like to think so) chap who enjoys a little adventure & the great outdoors. I like to exercise so I can consume lots of good food , beer, & wine. Life is Good :)

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Merrill F


Buenos Aires to Santiago

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Merrill F

Buenos Aires to Santiago

United States

I retired in 2008 and recently turned 70. I love the outdoors and am always looking for a new adventure. One of my sons introduced me to cycling in 2013 and I found it fun and fulfilling. In 2014 my son and I cycled across SE Asia from Bangkok to Saigon. My first TDA tour in 2016 was the Hippie Trail in India and I then went on to complete an unsupported tour of the U.S. West Coast as well as a U.S. transcontinental west to east. I live in Northern California, have been married for over 30 years, and have 2 sons in their early 30's. Travel by bicycle is a great way to meet the people of a country and experience the food, music and culture. I look forward to new adventures with TDA.

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Linda Ng


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Linda Ng

Santiago to Ushuaia


Hi fellow cyclists on this tour!! I’m a baby boomer, semi-retired physiotherapist & outdoor enthusiast! My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bike all year round. I celebrated my 50th birthday by cycling in New Zealand for 5 months, solo & unsupported. It’s been over 10 years now since I’ve done an extended multi-day tour so really looking forward to SAE 2022

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Tom Woodard


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Tom Woodard

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Time for another adventure, (veteran of Tour d'Afrique 2018, South American Epic 2022 and Trans-Himalaya 2023.) Looking forward to meeting a group of like minded people to share the experience.

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Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

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Rona Lowe


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Rona Lowe

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Retired. Love to cycle. Love to travel. Completed the SAE (Buenos Aires to Ushuaia) in 22 and looking forward to another tour.

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Ron Lowe


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Ron Lowe

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Audax cyclist - 10 years Super Randonneur, Paris-Brest-Paris 2019; Midnight Sun 1200k 2022; London-Edinburgh-London 1500k 2022. Time Trial - all distances, including 24hr; Occasional hill / trail runner and Inadequate swimmer

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Brent Macomber


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Brent Macomber

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

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Katie Cosby


Buenos Aires to Santiago

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Katie Cosby

Buenos Aires to Santiago

United States

Just your average aventurer, looking for something new!

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Charles Hughes


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Charles Hughes

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

South Africa

Like riding a bicycle, especially in beautiful places with good companions . The proverbial man of few words.

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Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

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Jim Skeel


Buenos Aires to Santiago

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Jim Skeel

Buenos Aires to Santiago

United States

Barb and I have done several TDA rides. The most difficult part of this trip will be leaving my one old dog at home. Consequently, I am only signing up for the first section.

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Kees Kouwenhoven


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Kees Kouwenhoven

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


Born and raised in Holland. I am married for a long time, over 60 years of age and working in agricultural business as an advisor for growers in pest management in greenhouses. Besides travelling, cycling is one of my hobbies so this tour is a good combination of both. With friends we have been cycling a lot through Europe This will be my second expedition outside Europe after doing half of the Silk Route with TDA four years ago. Hoping to make new memories

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Karin Lind Hansen


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Karin Lind Hansen

Santiago to Ushuaia


I love travelling. I love biking. I love visiting new places. I have visited several places with TDA - but there are still places left to see, explore, and enjoy :)

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Dean Murray


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Dean Murray

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

Retired from engineering in 2015 and have been doing cycling and hiking trips since, including Newfoundland, Ruta Maya, Australia, Pub Ride, West Africa and Great Divide. Cycling trips with camping are my favorite times.

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Kevin McAleer


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Kevin McAleer

Santiago to Ushuaia


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will carter


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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will carter

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

I live in Bedford uk.,im 76 and enjoy the challenges of life

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Bill Wilson


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Bill Wilson

Santiago to Ushuaia


This will be my 13th trip with TDA, as I've previously ridden all or part of the Trans Europa, the Orient Express, the Hippie Trail, the Bamboo Road, Magical Madagascar, the Tour d'Afrique, the Trans Oceania, the Odyssey, the North American Epic, the South American Epic, the Great American Roadtrip and Journey to the East. . I retired nine years ago, after more than 35 years prosecuting criminal cases for the Ontario government, and spend the bulk of my time cycling, golfing, reading and travelling. I am looking forward to getting together with some old friends and making some new ones.

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Anne Thompson


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Anne Thompson

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

Looking forward to this trip!

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Erica Quaile


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Erica Quaile

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

I live in Guildford, Surrey about 40km outside London. I work for a children's charity called Shooting Star Children's Hospices. I'm an enthusiastic road cyclist and am very much looking forward to doing the Carretera Austral .

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Deric Quaile


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Deric Quaile

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

I am retired after 30 years in Shell International focusing on environmental management of Shell operations worldwide and having been based in various countries, including Chile. I was born and grew up in Zimbabwe, attended university in South Africa, and worked in Zimbabwe and South Africa before joining Shell in the UK. I now live in Guildford, south west of London. I am very involved in Lions Clubs International, a charitable service organisation, and carry out other volunteering roles. I very much enjoy outdoor activities with trout fishing ranking top. I am relatively new to cycling and finding it an enjoyable way to explore the lovely hilly and wooded sites across the Surrey Hills around Guildford. I am married to Erica, who is also intending tackling the Carretera Austral. We have two grown up daughters who live in London.

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Guy Miles


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Guy Miles

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

South Africa

Enjoy cycle adventures, with or without friends. have been doing longer distances since a car accident stopped other sports.

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Mark Heim


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Mark Heim

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

I was fortunate to retire early several years ago and since then I enjoy spending my free time staying fit and active. I've done multiple other long distance bike tours including a ride across the US then up to Alaska, TDA's Transeuropa, South American Epic, the Silk Route, and part of Africa, and the first half of the North American Epic. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with old friends and meeting new people.

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maggie williamson


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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maggie williamson

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


next TDA trip, exploring Morocco! looking forward to the sights sounds smells and food of Morocco. Travelling through and spending time in a desert will be a new experience… always good to experience something new.

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Cindy Smith


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Cindy Smith

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United States

This will be my fifth trip with TDA, having ridden TransEuropa, Bamboo Route, the first half of the NA Epic and SA Epic, Buenos Aires to Ushuaia. I have also ridden gravel from Canada to Mexico on the Great Divide. Looking forward to this adventure in Morocco.

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Alain Roy


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Alain Roy

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


I’m 31% dad, 19% IT Project Manager, 16% skier, 2 % Kitter, 5% swimmer, 8% sailor, 19% good-friend and 100% cyclist. Looking forward for my second TDA trip with my son. Alain

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Jay Ozturk


Buenos Aires to Puerto Montt

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Jay Ozturk

Buenos Aires to Puerto Montt


I am a real estate broker living in Toronto, Canada. I love to travel and I think cycling is best way to do it. I conquered the Orient express and had a blast. TDA has the right balance of distance, and days off, however the hotels could be chosen a little more wisely. Looking forward to meeting new friends and some previous ones. Andes will be painful, but a good steak and Malbec will make up for it! Jay Ozturk

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James (Jim) Raddatz


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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James (Jim) Raddatz

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


old and slow

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Ushuaia


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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Ushuaia


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Marnie (Margaret) Souter


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Marnie (Margaret) Souter

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia


When I retired in Fall 2022 I went on my first TDA adventure - the South American epic. I loved it so much I'm signing on for more ! This year I am looking forward to Morocco in April and the Cape Town to Kili trip in the Fall.

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Neil Bradburn


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

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Neil Bradburn

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Retired Police Officer. Single Enjoy cycling and keeping fit in general. Love travelling.

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Peter McCartney


Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Peter McCartney

Santiago to Puerto Montt


I am from Bristol, England and will be joining a number of good friends we have met on previous TDA tours (this is my fifth one). Apart from cycling, I do Park runs and have entered the Polar Bear Challenge this winter. Do a lot to support one of our local primary schools with very high number of immigrant pupils and also our local food bank. Chair of our local Residents Association. Very interested in recycling and renewables (but frustrated by the politics of both).

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Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Santiago to Puerto Montt

United Kingdom

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Francois Tardif


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Francois Tardif

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


I am very glad to join this trip . My sports are more Xcountry ski and sailing so i start to traine in cycling .

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Kim Wright


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Kim Wright

Santiago to Ushuaia


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Yanez Novoa

Tour Leader

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

Janet Briggs


Santiago to Ushuaia

Kenny Summers


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

Brenda Trenholme


Buenos Aires to Ushuaia

Gary Hoffman


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia




Jairo Corrales

Assistant Tour Leader

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jairo Corrales

Assistant Tour Leader
Cartagena to Ushuaia

Costa Rica

Pura Vida!!

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Carolina Ceravolo

Tour Leader

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Carolina Ceravolo

Tour Leader
Cartagena to Ushuaia


There are many things I love about my job, but my favorite is to dive deep in the route to learn all about its features, profile, geographical and historical facts, and to reunite with the team and riders to explore the journey together. All of us are very privileged to be able to explore the world at the pace of a bicycle; to really be present and see, feel, hear and smell all the environments we are cycling through. I love to keep the riders focused on their journey, motivating them to see the magic and the beauty of what we have the opportunity to be doing. I like to be the bridge to their experience, helping them face the challenges and persevere.

I currently live in Belgium. I have been traveling through all hidden corners of the American continent and Europe for the last 10 years where I learnt about its history and culture. I'm a certified nature and history guide in Mexico, specialized in Mayan History. I'm also a technical cave diver and worked with cave exploration in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, where I lived for 9 years. Here I developed skills in safety and risk management, which is one of my favorite aspects of the job as a tour leader: to be able to foresee hazards and plan ways to mitigate them.

Cycling is my favorite thing to do, so in 2017 I did a solo self supported bike trip for 4 months from Mexico to Brazil. This was when I decided to change the course of my career from guiding nature and cave diving tours to working with cycling tour companies, realizing I could transfer my skills in safety and risk assessment from cave diving into leading cycling tours/expeditions.

My tip for cyclists joining our tours is to trully allow yourself to be out of your comfort zone and to enjoy being there. Traveling by bike is physically challenging, but having a strong, open and adventurous mind is what you need to take the most out of it. Learn to appreciate the differences. To think as a group and to be realistic about what crossing a country - or a few of them - by bicycle implies. It's a unique and a massive achievement for everyone involved in it, don't forget that! Have fun, and smile always.

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Colleen Gordon


Cartagena to Salta

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Colleen Gordon

Cartagena to Salta

South Africa

I just love Africa. I love introducing Africa to people that have never been here or have never done anything like this. You can just see their eyes open, and all of their prejudices drop as they ride through it. The bike is just such an amazing way to do it, I’ve done tours in the past where the passengers are in the vehicle with me, and it’s just not the same. [On a TDA tour] you stop at coke stops all the time, and are constantly interacting with your environment. You often rely on locals for something like water, that interaction is absolutely essential to the tours. In the end, it’s one giant road trip with people that become your family. I love camping. You get addicted to the camping lifestyle, to see the sunrise and sunset everyday. You’re in the mix, you’re hearing the hyena’s and the owls. The amount of times I’ve had elephants come through our campsites in Africa, it’s magic.

I have been leading tours in Africa for over a decade, but I started at TDA as a chef. I love shopping at local markets in Africa, the interactions with the mama’s, and just buying everything they’re selling in bulk.

I love the behind the scenes moments. Everything it takes to keep the show on the road. Trucks getting stuck, and us having to try and pull vehicles out with help from the locals and their tractors. I remember another time on the North American epic, on the Arctic section, we had such a hard time trying to source water, that we sent up the drone to find the local water tank in a little First Nations village. It’s stuff like that that I love, the behind-the-scenes challenges. I like the spontaneity, the natural chaos of Africa.

[As a tip for future participants of our expedition tours], get comfortable with all your camping gear. Set up your tent first, maybe even sleep in it for a night or two in your apartment. Test your mattress, take it up and down a couple of times, because you’ll be doing that a lot. People don’t always realise this. You’ll be coming into camp after a long ride, and having to set your tent up and then tearing it down again in the middle of the night, just day after day after day, it’s relentless. So packing well and being comfortable with your set-up is absolutely essential in my opinion.

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Kenny Balfour

Bike Mechanic

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Kenny Balfour

Bike Mechanic
Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

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Mats Fredrix

Content Creator

Cusco to Ushuaia

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Mats Fredrix

Content Creator
Cusco to Ushuaia


I remember the first time I had tears of joy running down my cheeks on a descent. The day after I was screaming every syllable of 'Paradise by the Dashboard Lights' to endure the pains of a full day in the headwind. These might just be some of mine, but you'll experience plenty, beautifully weird 'joys of riding' of your own. When those happen, I'm your man. To tell your story, your adventure. Or you might just want a cool looking picture of you and some mountains. See you out there, Rouleurs!

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Jon Steimle


Cartagena to Trujillo, Cuzco to Usuaia

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Jon Steimle

Cartagena to Trujillo, Cuzco to Usuaia

United States

Excited for this journey and to learn with you all along the way, see you in South America!

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Malcolm Juring

Bike Mechanic

Cusco to Ushuaia

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Malcolm Juring

Bike Mechanic
Cusco to Ushuaia

United States

What I love most about being a Tour Leader is traveling the world, riding bikes, and meeting new and interesting people on every trip. What more could you ask for?

I started working at bike shops and as a bike courier while at university. The income from these jobs allowed me to plan my own cycling trips during school breaks. Following university, I spent two years working with an aid organization in Guinea, where I was surprised to see a TDA tour passing through rural West Africa. Several years and one pandemic later, I found myself guiding bike tours around the US, dreaming about even greater adventures.

One of my most memorable experiences from a TDA tour was in Tuktoyaktuk at the start of the North American Epic. I went for a swim in the Arctic Ocean and I remember thinking "Would I ever have this chance again?" But when I waded into the water, I realized something wasn't right: the water wasn't cold. It felt like a heated pool and it ended up being an unpleasant swim. My mind was occupied with what I had read about rising sea temperatures while every inch of my skin above water was attacked by mosquitoes. But I remember the visceral feeling of "so, this is what the Arctic Ocean really is."

My advice for anyone planning to join a TDA tour is to read a book, fiction or nonfiction, set in your tour's destination. Also, try learning a few phrases in the local language, and don't forget your towel!

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Lorenzo Boutall

Bike Mechanic

Cartagena to Cusco

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Lorenzo Boutall

Bike Mechanic
Cartagena to Cusco

United Kingdom

Half Italian and half English, I was born in London and moved to the Italian Alps at a young age. Here I developed a passion for the outdoors and outdoor activities such as cycling (of course), skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, trekking etc.. I studied forestry and environmental science at the University of Turin and during that time I started crafting handmade wooden powedersurfs (bindingless snowboards for freeriding). After graduating from Uni I soon realized that my powdersurf "business" was not going to pay the bills, so I decided to direct my workshop skills towards another passion of mine: cycling and cycling mechanics. I moved back to London and found a job as a mechanic and dedicated my whole life to bikes, both fixing them in a stand at work and riding miles in my free time. Doing so I managed to increase my bike knowledge fairly quickly and eventually landed a job at one of the most renowned bike shops in the UK. After a few years working there, I decided it was time to move back to the Alps where I could continue my career as a mechanic thanks to my newly acquired skill set, but also embrace once again the mountain life I missed so much while living in London. Now I work in an amazing workshop in Italy and do product testing and write articles for an Italian cycling magazine (called Alvento if you would like to have a peak!). Everything is going great in life, except for the fact that working full time for a shop doesn't leave much room for proper adventurous travelling that I used to enjoy so much when I was younger. This is where TDA cycling comes into play!! An incredible opportunity to do what I love the most all around the world. The South American Epic will be my first trip as a mechanic and I just can't wait for it to start! I shall see you in South America and don't worry, your bikes will be in good hands :D

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Helen Gertig


Cusco to Ushuaia

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Helen Gertig

Cusco to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

I'm a GP based in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland. Love an adventure by any self-propelled means. I have previously been medic for the (fabulous) Tour d'Afrique, Silk Route and Trans-Himalaya TDA expeditions. Looking forward to joining you all for this joyful two-wheeled scamper!!

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Becky Timbers

Assistant Tour Leader

Cusco to Ushuaia

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Becky Timbers

Assistant Tour Leader
Cusco to Ushuaia

United States

Originally from Vermont, I now live and travel in my converted van. I love all forms of bike from mountain biking, bikepacking, gravel, and touring.

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Odessa Kelebay

Assistant Tour Leader

La Paz to Ushuaia

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Odessa Kelebay

Assistant Tour Leader
La Paz to Ushuaia


Make good choices!

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Ine Leschbrandt Ostmo

Tour Leader Trainee

Cartagena to La Paz

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Ine Leschbrandt Ostmo

Tour Leader Trainee
Cartagena to La Paz


Born and raised in Norway, but I've been on the road for the last few years. I'm an outdoor lover, a big biking enthusiast, and I'm super excited for my first TDA trip as a tour leader trainee. Looking forward to meeting you on the road!

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Mark Lutz


Salta to Ushuaia

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Mark Lutz

Salta to Ushuaia

United States

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Jessica Pollock


Cartagena to Cusco

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Jessica Pollock

Cartagena to Cusco

South Africa

I was born and raised in the small town of East London, South Africa and am currently working in various emergency departments in Cape Town. I love all things adventure in the outdoors. Looking forward to meeting you all and exploring some incredible places together.

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Shanny Hill

Tour Support

Cartagena to Quito

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Shanny Hill

Tour Support
Cartagena to Quito


“I’ve been fortunate to travel all over the world. I learn so much each time I travel and with each new project and new tour we launch.”

I first found a TDA brochure when I was a sales manager at Duke's Cycle in Toronto. I met Henry and convinced him to give me a job in the office. That was over a decade ago now.

My love of all things bicycle started when I was in high school: I lived in the country and my friends were six kilometres away, in town. A bike was the easiest way to meet up with them on weekends. This started my interest in cycle touring and I did my first big trip at age 17 with some friends—a month of biking around Lake Erie, covering 3,400 kilometres from our hometown Kirkland Lake, in Northern Ontario.

Some of my favourite TDA travel memories are from Kyrgyzstan. Also Ethiopia, as well as France. And of course can't forget Namibia, and Ireland, and, well...

I love to travel and I feel very fortunate to have had an eclectic mix of travel experiences. Whether it’s trying fermented mare's milk in a yurt in Kyrgyzstan, eating “spagbol” prepared by our talented tour chefs after a long day of riding, sipping strong espresso in Venice, or sitting street-side for lunch in Paris, my travels always have food at their centre. Food and cycling—the combination can't be beat!

Working with TDA is all about variety—food, cycling, challenge, problem-solving, meeting people from all over the world, getting a glimpse into the way others live elsewhere and gaining knowledge from them, and learning to be humble.

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Bonny Fairweather

Tour Support

Medellin to Quito

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Bonny Fairweather

Tour Support
Medellin to Quito



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Juan Bianchi

Tour Leader Trainee

Cartagena to Cusco

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Juan Bianchi

Tour Leader Trainee
Cartagena to Cusco


I am from Córdoba. Argentina. I work as a tourist guide specialized on multy day bike tours, in the area of Córdoba Hills. I love cycling and I do it every day, as a way of training, traveling, urban transportation, etc...

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Rigoberto Ortega


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Rigoberto Ortega

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Benjamin Levin

Content Creator

Cartagena to La Paz

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Benjamin Levin

Content Creator
Cartagena to La Paz

United States

Hi all! Excited to meet and get to know you through the first few months of the trip. I am a content creator from San Francisco, California and most recently spent four months in Africa with TDA. I have an academic background in animal science so I am personally excited to see the natural landscapes and birds of South America. Can't wait to get down to Columbia and see what sort of amazing experiences this tour has in store for all of us. See you all soon!

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Erma de Boer


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Erma de Boer

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


After cycling Nairobi - Cape Town in 2014, it is time for an other great challenge!

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ellen loopstra


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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ellen loopstra

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Brenda Trenholme


Cartagena to Salta

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Brenda Trenholme

Cartagena to Salta


I have a passion for most outdoor sports, especially in the mountains. As a TDA veteran, I’m looking forward to exploring SA with old cycling friends and staff and meeting new ones. By giving slideshows of my cycling adventures, I fundraise for a Canadian charity called the Kenya Education Endowment Fund.

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

I'm a nomad and spend as much time as possible traveling. With TDA I've done the Tour d'Afrique, Magical Madagascar and the Orient Express. I’ve become a TDA junkie and am signed up for lots more trips. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones on the next tour!

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

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Simon Holmes


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Simon Holmes

Santiago to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Keen cyclist. Don't race as such but done a few big sportives ( eg Marmottes, Dragon Ride , White Rose Classic ,Crystalp etc). Some touring--eg 2 TDA trips in Africa -2017 and 2019; Raid Pyreneen; crossed the alps with kit a couple of times, cent cols, round Corsica, Tour de Mont Blanc etc; rode to Istanbul with camping kit; regularly ride across Wales etc 5 bikes. Racing bike, Specialised Atheos; MTB Specialised Camber full suss 29 er; Winter bike-Kinesis Tripster (bought for 2019 TDA trip in Africa); shopping bike; and old racer on turbo trainer (little used!) Enjoy riding all types of bikes whether it's an Uber bike in London; velibre in Paris or a bike with no brakes in Ethiopia (they are optional aren't they in Africa?).

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Thomas Kovar


Lima to Cusco

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Thomas Kovar

Lima to Cusco


I live in Switzerland, and this is my first experience with TDA. Although I will join the Tour only for one section I am very excited to be part of this adventure

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Niek Padt


Cusco to Puerto Montt

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Niek Padt

Cusco to Puerto Montt


I'm looking forward to complete the last sections of the South America trip that I haven't done yet!

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Klaus Hofstaetter


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Klaus Hofstaetter

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Janet Young


Bogota to La Paz

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Janet Young

Bogota to La Paz

New Zealand

I live in the Southern Alps of New Zealand and love the mountains, hiking, skiing, cycling and used to be a mountain runner before my body said no more. Adventure and cycling is a perfect combination. I look forward to sharing this incredible journey with you.

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Oliver Young


Bogota to La Paz

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Oliver Young

Bogota to La Paz

New Zealand

It seems almost a year ago my partner put our name down on the wait list for this tour - we had pretty well given up hope. The email that arrived in the mailbox was met with consternation, glee and trepidation - could we actually do this!. Glad to see there are a number of medics on the trip so my veterinary degree will not be required.

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Nicholas Beardow


Cartagena to La Paz

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Nicholas Beardow

Cartagena to La Paz

United Kingdom

I have completed three TDA tours and loved all of them. Although I travelled extensively in South America, I have never cycled there, so this will be another new adventure. I live and work in Singapore.

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Mark Khalil


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mark Khalil

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Egyptian graduate student living in California Love adventure, beer, and music

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Neil Casson


Cartagena to Salta

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Neil Casson

Cartagena to Salta

United Kingdom

A Brit "by passport" but with strong nomadic tendencies having spent the last 40 years overseas (Europe, SE Asia, Middle East, North & South America). A committed cyclist for the last 20 years and a TDA Alumnus, having completed the Bamboo Road in 2022 and Journey to the East in 2023.

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Hans Verlinde


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Hans Verlinde

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

Born from Dutch parents in South-Africa, I am now retired from Penn State University. South America will be my 7th continent, so I decided to do it in a spectacular fashion.

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Tom Green


Cartagena to Lima

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Tom Green

Cartagena to Lima

United Kingdom

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Elizabeth (Liz) Crago


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Elizabeth (Liz) Crago

Santiago to Ushuaia

New Zealand

There are so many interesting places to travel to, and I can't think of any better way to travel through anywhere, than by bike. I enjoy the challenge it brings and I look forward to going to the more out of the way locations. I enjoy travel, and I love cycling so am looking forward to combining them both again on this trip. My first TDA trip was Madagascar in 2019, I did the Trans-Caucasus in 2022, and I can’t wait to do another trip with TDA. The Silk Road has always inspired me, and does daunt me at the same time, but I look forward to experiencing what it has to offer. In the meantime I look forward to a few sections in South America!

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Marie-Josée Vasseur


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Marie-Josée Vasseur

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Robert Panton


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Robert Panton

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

I enjoy cycling, travelling, meeting people.

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Edward Malden


Cartagena to Lima

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Edward Malden

Cartagena to Lima

United Kingdom

Normal ( at least I like to think so) chap who enjoys a little adventure & the great outdoors. I like to exercise so I can consume lots of good food , beer, & wine. Life is Good :)

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Hugh Green


Quito to Lima

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Hugh Green

Quito to Lima

United Kingdom

26- Mechanical Engineer Pirelli - Ready for another TDA Adventure...

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Kenny Summers


Cartagena to Santiago

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Kenny Summers

Cartagena to Santiago

United Kingdom

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Harald Hälbich


Cartagena to Quito

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Harald Hälbich

Cartagena to Quito


I was riding the 2022 Tour de Afrique from Livingstone to Cape Town, looking forward to join the tour again.

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Mike Crum


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mike Crum

Cartagena to Ushuaia

New Zealand

Sixty years old. Kiwifruit Orchardist from NZ Looking for adventure Have ridden Tour d Afrique and NA Epic Epic Should be experienced, sure don’t feel Iike it !!! Very excited and challenged to be doing this !!!

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


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Jean-Francois (Jeff) Tremblay


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Jean-Francois (Jeff) Tremblay

Santiago to Ushuaia


Retired sometimes, enjoying the outdoor always. I rode the New Zealand sections of the Trans Oceania 2018 and now the time is right to join South America Epic. Looking forward to discover Patagonia on wheels.

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Marv Hildebrand


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Marv Hildebrand

Santiago to Ushuaia


Happily retired, grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, and trying to make the most of QTR (quality time remaining).

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Steve Johnson


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Steve Johnson

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

I retired in September 2022 and I am now ready for adventure. I have ridden across the United States twice. Once on the Southern Tier with Adventure Cycling and next I road The Great Divide Mountian Bike ride with Bike Dreams. I am now registered to ride the South American Epic in 2024 also. So now its time to complete the second half of the contient.

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Charles Hilliard


Cartagena to Quito

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Charles Hilliard

Cartagena to Quito

United States

retired truck driver

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will carter


Cartagena to Quito

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will carter

Cartagena to Quito

United Kingdom

I live in Bedford uk.,im 76 and enjoy the challenges of life

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Suzi Tevendale


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Suzi Tevendale

Santiago to Ushuaia


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Helmut Schuett


Quito to Salta

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Helmut Schuett

Quito to Salta


Hi everyone. I am living in the south of Germany in Stuttgart. Now I am retired and so I have plenty of time for my preferred hobby, which is biking. It is the first time for me to participate in a TDA tour. In the past years I did many tours in Europe with a group or alone. So I did several crossings across the Alps and many bike packing tours from Germany to other European countries. In the first 2 weeks of June I crossed Spain and Portugal in a solo tour. Now I am looking forward to get in touch with South East Asia. I think it is the best way to experience the countries and cultures by bike, where we can also get in touch with the people. See you soon in Hanoi!

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Suzanne Stack


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Suzanne Stack

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

Retired veterinarian cycling and volunteering

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Beat Karl Aschwanden


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Beat Karl Aschwanden

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I have been retired since April 2017. In 2018 I rode with a group of cyclists from St. Petersburg to Vladivostock. I had registered for the Tour d'Africa for 2020. On December 14, 2019, I suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon in my left foot. The dream of Africa was over. Now I need a new challenge. Just 5 days later, I registered for Silk Road 2021. And again there is a shift. Now I hope that we can start the journey from Tuktoyaktuk to Panama City on July 7, 2022. I completed the trip successfully. Now I'm looking forward to the South America Epic 2024 from Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Katie Barbour-Smith


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Katie Barbour-Smith

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

26 year old from London Did the Tour D'Afrique in 2022 and loved it, so back for another adventure

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Tom Perlmutter


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Tom Perlmutter

Cartagena to Ushuaia


This will be my fourth TDA tour. The first was in 2019, Tour d'Afrique, the last full one before Covid. It was exhilarating and somewhat addictive. After a year and a half of confinement I was happy to jump on a bike and do TDA's inaugural Great American Road Trek. I did North America in 2022 and looking to complete the hemisphere with the South America tour.

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Stephen Smith


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Stephen Smith

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


Ride ALL the bikes!

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David Boggeman


Cusco to Santiago

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David Boggeman

Cusco to Santiago

United States

Lifelong cyclist, over 150000 miles. Self supported tours in 30 states. Retired Chemist Montana State University.

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Michael Cathro


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Michael Cathro

Santiago to Ushuaia


I am a retired geologist living in Kamloops, British Columbia with my wife Suzi, who is also on the trip. We've enjoyed stress-testing our relationship on backcountry ski trips and self-guided bike tours before, but nothing will compare to this Patagonian challenge! Looking forward to a successful trip, with fun and interesting people in a spectacular corner of the world. Fingers crossed for clear dry days, consistent tailwinds, y perros amigables.

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Mike Mossing


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mike Mossing

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

Retired professor - Biochemistry / Molecular Biology. Bike commuter since college, recreational rider for the last 30 years. Bicycle and pedestrian advocate at the campus, city and state level. Tour D'Afrique Alum. Spent the pandemic years helping to coordinate Covid testing, ready for a new adventure!

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Toni-Anne Pease


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Toni-Anne Pease

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I am determined to live life to the fullest, taking risks and smiling.

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mark lawrence Strauss


La Paz to Salta

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mark lawrence Strauss

La Paz to Salta

United States

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Scott Colner


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Scott Colner

Santiago to Ushuaia

United States

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Lisa Rogers


Cusco to Santiago

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Lisa Rogers

Cusco to Santiago

United States

I’m a retired high school science teacher of 33 years. I now teach skiing part time at Big Sky, MT. I love being in the mountains and enjoy traveling.

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Abraham Cohen


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Abraham Cohen

I have done lot's of cycling around the world and looking forward to the next one

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Michel Lebel


Lima to Ushuaia

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Michel Lebel

Lima to Ushuaia


I am an experienced tourer who did almost all Europe, Canada, USA, Mexico and Central America and a part of South America on a bike. I have recently added NewZealand. What remains to claim to have done Montreal (my hometown) to Ushuaai (South of America), is the distance from Lima Peru down to Ushuaai that I intend to do in parts. I did the Baja California lately with TDA to get an experience of TDA tours. I almost speak fluently spanish.

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Gary Matey


Cartagena to La Paz

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Gary Matey

Cartagena to La Paz

United States

I enjoy cycling almost every day in Arizona and completed several cross- country tours along the West Coast and Northern Routes. I have never been to South America, and I am ready to explore new places and meet new friends.

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katherine meadowcroft


La Paz to Ushuaia

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katherine meadowcroft

La Paz to Ushuaia

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Francine Plante


La Paz to Ushuaia

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Francine Plante

La Paz to Ushuaia


ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ! On n’est pas à la plage...

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John Benoit


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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John Benoit

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

A traveler, a wanderer, a seeker of new vistas and experiences. Having retired from an international career, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to live, travel, and cycle in in many fabulous off-the-beaten path locations across Africa and Asia. Reviewing my cycling ‘been’ map there is a huge blank spot across the whole continent of South America. Having throughly enjoyed the Bamboo Road and the Journey to the East with TDA, the SAE is perfect next challenge in my cycling life. I’m so looking forward to taking on this challenge, meeting new friends and making new memories with old friends. ¡Arriba! ¡Vamos! And now I'm signed up for next year's Road of Empires. That should be an excellent adventure also. Happy trails!

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Uwe Rydzek


Cartagena to Lima

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Uwe Rydzek

Cartagena to Lima


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Sabine Hoffmann


Cartagena to Lima

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Sabine Hoffmann

Cartagena to Lima


My husband and I live in Berlin and Italy with - sometimes - our two kids, who live actually in London and the US. We like to do sports of any kind and decided to do this bicycle trip for having fun, learn more about foreign areas and having some nature experience. I don`t like social media, which does not mean that I am not a social person.

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caroline powell


Santiago to Ushuaia

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caroline powell

Santiago to Ushuaia

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Andy Callaghan


Cartagena to Bogota

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Andy Callaghan

Cartagena to Bogota

United Kingdom

I'm just turning 60 this weekend and I'm celebrating with a massive disco fancy dress party. I'm married with one grown up son and I work 3 days a week as a Professor at Nottingham Business School in the UK. Mountain biking has been a big part of my life for over 30 years and I love going on tour and doing long point to point adventures. Some of my most memorable trips include crossing the Himalayas and Victoria Falls to Cape Town. Currently doing Lands End to John O' Groats, off road in chunks with guys I've been riding with for nearly 20 years. I hardly ever touch roads but fancied doing a few sections of the South American coast to coast. I don't take myself too seriously and like to have a real laugh on tour.........I'll put some slicks on the mountain bike, chuck a big cog on the front and see you there :)

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Jerry Huynh


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Jerry Huynh

Santiago to Ushuaia


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Peter Millikan


Santiago to Puerto Montt

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Peter Millikan

Santiago to Puerto Montt

United States

I am 75, a retired emergency physician, married since 1973, three children and five grand children, living north of Seattle on the Tulalip Indian Reservation. Travel highlights: half year backpacking and tent camping in East Africa and South America, four weeks trekking in Nepal, half year living in Andalusia, Camino de Santiago on mountain bike, road bike trips from Seattle to Bath, Maine, Natchez Trace, Seattle to San Francisco via Oregon Coast, TDA Transeuropa, TDA Odyssey, TDA North American Epic (Banff to Yuma), mountain bike trips in Northern Rockies, around Moab, and various rides around California and Washington with friends, bike clubs or solo. I've summited the volcanic peaks in the Cascades as well as Mt Whitney. Besides hiking and biking I like windsurfing and skiing. I can say a few things in Spanish or Russian.

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Paul Love


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Paul Love

Cartagena to Ushuaia


While I have cycle toured for many years this will be first group/supported tour and longest trip. Most of my previous trips, with one exception, were 5 weeks or less in length. I have blogged a few of the more interesting European routes on I am looking forward to the challenge and making new friends. In my working life I am a labour arbitrator and part-time labour board vice-chairperson. I live on Vancouver Island, B.C.

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Joan Donohue


Cartagena to Quito

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Joan Donohue

Cartagena to Quito

United States

I am a retired business professor from South Carolina who has done two other TDA trips - 2016 Silk Route from Beijing to Dushanbe and 2024 Tour d' Afrique.

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Mark Heim


Lima to Salta

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Mark Heim

Lima to Salta

United States

I was fortunate to retire early several years ago and since then I enjoy spending my free time staying fit and active. I've done multiple other long distance bike tours including a ride across the US then up to Alaska, TDA's Transeuropa, South American Epic, the Silk Route, and part of Africa, and the first half of the North American Epic. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with old friends and meeting new people.

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Noel Waterston


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Noel Waterston

Santiago to Ushuaia

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Lima to Ushuaia

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Lima to Ushuaia

United States

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Felicia Eisenberg Molnar


Cartagena to Bogota, Puerto Natales to Ushuaia

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Felicia Eisenberg Molnar

Cartagena to Bogota, Puerto Natales to Ushuaia

United States

I am Epic rider Michael Mossing's partner and will be joining him on one or more sections of the South American Epic. I am a long time adventure traveller and have travelled the globe. My first bicycle tour was with my father at the age of 13. I have cycled around Europe including Sicily, the Italian Alps and Switzerland where I lived for three years. Currently Mike and I reside in Detroit with our super adventurous Australian Cattle Dog, Ecco. Between us we also have six kids. It's been a full and wonderful life. I am still working as a senior executive at the Detroit Institute of Arts which is keeping back from joining the entire tour. I am looking forward to seeing South America on two wheels.

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Nanqun HE


Bogota to Quito

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Nanqun HE

Bogota to Quito

United States

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Carolina Ceravolo

Tour Leader

Cartagena to Ushuaia

Erma de Boer


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

ellen loopstra


Cartagena to Ushuaia

Brenda Trenholme


Cartagena to Salta



Cartagena to Ushuaia




Greg Smith


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Greg Smith

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

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Ian Hamer


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Ian Hamer

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Luca Bortolami


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Luca Bortolami

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I am an Italian man that loves cycling and traveling. I have been able to retire at an early age in order to purse these two interests, and TDA expeditions where one of the reasons why I really wanted to gain full control of my schedule while still relatively young. I am single, still looking for that woman, and have no kids.

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mark lawrence Strauss


La Paz to Salta

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mark lawrence Strauss

La Paz to Salta

United States

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Anthony Rock


Santiago to Ushuaia

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Anthony Rock

Santiago to Ushuaia

United States

I'm a Canadian-American and split my time between urban urban life Brooklyn, NY and on the Northumberland Strait in Atlantic Canada. The Orient Express will be my 6th ride with TDA.

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Stephen Owen


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Stephen Owen

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Cycling since school age chasing buses to school, and now aged 57, I have stepped up cycling in the last 10 years with weekend rides and endurance 300/500km rides in 24hrs, wisdom/body is now telling me that multi-day riding is more fun... More recently cycled across Atlas mountains North Africa, Sri Lanka, and recently TDA Madagascar. The Tour d'Afrique 2023 trip will be exciting and push me to the limits and beyond, TDA Madagascar May 2019 recharged my batteries for a few years and this trip is long overdue and will scratch the itch again. It always brings a smile to my face once I've sat down at end of the day with coffee in hand and consider how lucky I am.

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Vanessa De Haan


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Vanessa De Haan

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I have cycled recreationally for many years. In the past few years, however I have upped my cycling more seriously meaning trained for several Fondo's and other fun rides. The cycling community is a great way to ride with other like minded people, plus it is a fun way to stay physically active and enjoy the outdoors. I have taken up Gravel biking recently as well which, has been a great way to enjoy more off the beaten trails. The hard grit that cycling requires and demands of you at times is so enjoyable. And then at the very end of the ride to look back and think "YES" I accomplished that.....I did it! is so rewarding. I love the challenge that cycling can offer if you are game to take it on! Hence, the desire to complete the South American Epic (complete tour) in 2026 with my dearest loving partner Keith Mountjoy. He is a beautiful soul who equally enjoys and embraces all that two wheels has offer. Vanessa de Haan Calgary, Alberta Canada

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Keith Mountjoy


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Keith Mountjoy

Cartagena to Ushuaia


When I was old enough to learn to ride a bike, that became my freedom . . . Freedom to explore on wheels. Nothing has changed except my chronological and biological age. However, with that my love and passion for the sport has only become stronger. I was focused on road riding until 2020 when I bought a gravel bike (Greta). In 2021 I did my first epic ride (95 km) on it and fell in love with the world of gravel and a new level of adventure . . . Since then I have completed two multi-day gravel events: the inaugural 4-day TransRockies Gravel Royale in 2022 and the 5-day Oregon Trails Gravel Grinder. Why stop there . . . . ? Why the TDA South America Epic? I lived in Peru for 2 years and have traveled extensively around most of SA. There is nothing more I would like to do is experience it by bike! I love the countries, customs, people and food!! There is nothing more I would like to than complete this epic trip with my partner Vanessa De Haan!!!

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Mike Mossing


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Mike Mossing

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

Retired professor - Biochemistry / Molecular Biology. Bike commuter since college, recreational rider for the last 30 years. Bicycle and pedestrian advocate at the campus, city and state level. Tour D'Afrique Alum. Spent the pandemic years helping to coordinate Covid testing, ready for a new adventure!

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Santiago to Ushuaia

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Dan Croxen-John


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Dan Croxen-John

Cartagena to Ushuaia

United Kingdom

Father of Cerys (22) and Huw (19), partner to Jane - living in York Keen cyclist and part of York Pedallers CEO of AWA digital This is my first long distance ride. I will be stopping in Cape Town to see friends and meet up with my daughter.

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Grant Mcintosh


Cartagena to Lima

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Grant Mcintosh

Cartagena to Lima

New Zealand

Hi im a 64 yearold Farmer from Christchurch New Zealand. Enjoy cycling NZ cycle trails and have completed to Escape Adventures tours to Madagaser and China.Looking forward to the journey and challenge TDA cycle tour will bring.

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Karen Cook


Lima to Ushuaia

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Karen Cook

Lima to Ushuaia

United States

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Maz Crotty


Cartagena to Quito

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Maz Crotty

Cartagena to Quito

Originally from the U.K I have lived in the U.S for last 22 years. Cycling and travel are my passions and combining the two to explore new countries is my goal. Gaining an understanding of the culture and history of a place whilst cycling through the beauty of the natural landscapes will be challenging but offers a reward I don't think could be replicated. Add to that the incredible humans you meet along the way and you have the adventure of a lifetime. Signing up for the start of the South American 2026.

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Brad Gray


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Brad Gray

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Tour D'Afrique Alumni 2019. Morocco 2022. Silk Route was a goal but geopolitics threw a wrench into my plans. South America is a challenge I now embrace. Brad

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Geoff Bailey


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Geoff Bailey

Cartagena to Ushuaia


After a lifetime of long distance walking around the world, it’s time for me to swap the trekking boots for pedals. I’m excited to be participating in this big adventure and really looking forward to meeting you all.

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Paul Lutz


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Paul Lutz

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Dwanda Newman


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Dwanda Newman

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Helmut Schuett


Salta to Ushuaia

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Helmut Schuett

Salta to Ushuaia


Hi everyone. I am living in the south of Germany in Stuttgart. Now I am retired and so I have plenty of time for my preferred hobby, which is biking. It is the first time for me to participate in a TDA tour. In the past years I did many tours in Europe with a group or alone. So I did several crossings across the Alps and many bike packing tours from Germany to other European countries. In the first 2 weeks of June I crossed Spain and Portugal in a solo tour. Now I am looking forward to get in touch with South East Asia. I think it is the best way to experience the countries and cultures by bike, where we can also get in touch with the people. See you soon in Hanoi!

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Janet Dawson


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Janet Dawson

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

United States

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Lisa Worman


Cartagena to Salta

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Lisa Worman

Cartagena to Salta

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Shane Worman


Cartagena to Salta

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Shane Worman

Cartagena to Salta

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Evert Visser


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Evert Visser

Cartagena to Ushuaia


Cycling since I was 4 and racing since my 13th. Touring since I was 19. Great discovery was it then, for me, to cycle, sing Springsteen songs, be in and one with nature, be oneself (including all emotions).

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Thomas Kovar


Puerto Montt to Ushuaia

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Thomas Kovar

Puerto Montt to Ushuaia


I live in Switzerland, and this is my first experience with TDA. Although I will join the Tour only for one section I am very excited to be part of this adventure

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Cartagena to Ushuaia

United States

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Karin Lind Hansen


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Karin Lind Hansen

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I love travelling. I love biking. I love visiting new places. I have visited several places with TDA - but there are still places left to see, explore, and enjoy :)

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Michael Miller


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Michael Miller

Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jonna Koch


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Jonna Koch

Cartagena to Ushuaia


I feel alive when I ride my bike. It is my fourth TDA tour. I did the Trans-Himalaya 2019, Kingdom of the West 2022 and Trans-Caucasus 2022.

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Bogota to La Paz

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Bogota to La Paz

United Kingdom

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Erika Kellerhals


La Paz to Ushuaia

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Erika Kellerhals

La Paz to Ushuaia


I am a super keen cyclist. Making time away from work as an addictions doctor to gradually cycle more places on our planet.

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Lima to Ushuaia

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Lima to Ushuaia

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Paul Forster


Cartagena to Ushuaia

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Paul Forster

Cartagena to Ushuaia


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Greg Smith


Cartagena to Ushuaia

Ian Hamer


Cartagena to Ushuaia

Luca Bortolami


Cartagena to Ushuaia

mark lawrence Strauss


La Paz to Salta

Anthony Rock


Santiago to Ushuaia




“It's hard to comprehend the entire tour because everyday is visually stimulating. It is mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging. But you get to see more of each country than the average tourist. The opportunity to see each country in its most natural state is worth the challenging mountains and grueling highway riding.”

“This adventure was the most remarkable experience of my life.”

“Maybe’s it’s the simplicity of cycling tours that keep drawing me back... I believe they offer a great way to gain perspective on a place, rolling through the everyday lives of those that call it home.”


  • JUN 30 TO DEC 13
  • JUN 30 TO JUL 14
  • JUL 17 TO AUG 1
  • AUG 3 TO AUG 26
  • AUG 29 TO SEP 11
  • SEP 15 TO SEP 23
  • SEP 26 TO OCT 8
  • OCT 11 TO OCT 28
  • OCT 31 TO NOV 14
  • NOV 16 TO DEC 13
  • USD 34900
  • USD 4300
  • USD 4600
  • USD 6700
  • USD 4000
  • USD 2700
  • USD 3800
  • USD 5100
  • USD 4300
  • USD 7800
    • JUN 30 TO DEC 13
    • 34900 USD
    • Jun 30 - Jul 14
    • 4300 USD
    • Jul 17 - Aug 1
    • 4600 USD
    • Aug 3 - Aug 26
    • 6700 USD
    • Aug 29 - Sep 11
    • 4000 USD
    • Sep 15 - Sep 23
    • 2700 USD
    • Sep 26 - Oct 8
    • 3800 USD
    • Oct 11 - Oct 28
    • 5100 USD
    • Oct 31 - Nov 14
    • 4300 USD
    • Nov 16 - Dec 13
    • 7800 USD


  • 2024
  • 2026
  • JUN 30 TO DEC 13
  • JUN 28 TO DEC 11
  • USD 34900
  • 2024
    • Jun 30 - Dec 13
    • 34900 USD
  • 2026
    • Jun 28 - Dec 11

Full tour and section dates listed are for first and last day of cycling. Prices based on double occupancy at majority of the hotels. Solo riders will be paired with another rider of the same gender at no additional charge. Accommodation the night before first cycling day and the night of last cycling day are included in entry fee. We advise booking at least 1 additional night at tour accommodation before the tour, to be able to attend rider briefing and have assistance from tour bike mechanic in setting up your bike.

Full entry fee payment is due 90 days before the tour start date. A registration fee of US$150 must first be paid to hold your place on the tour and is in addition to the entry fee listed above. Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. We recommend registering 4 - 6 months before the tour start date to take full advantage of our pre-tour support and information bulletins, but late registrations are possible when spaces are still available.

Full tour entry fees will receive an early payment discount of USD$1000 if full payment is received 6 months before the start of the tour. Those coming for multiple sections get 10% off for 2 or more sections on the same tour (multiple section discount does not apply to full tour price). TDA alumni get special alumni discounts. Please contact our office for further details.








Tour d'Afrique

difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
adventure level icon
far out level far out level far out level far out level far out level



108 DAYS,
9,030 km


North American Epic

difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
adventure level icon
far out level far out level far out level far out level far out level



165 DAYS,
13,785 km


Silk Route

difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
adventure level icon
far out level far out level far out level far out level far out level



112 DAYS,
9,135 km


We welcome you to join us, free of charge, for up to three days on one of our tours in your area. An excellent chance to sample the TDA experience first hand without committing to a longer tour.


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